Thursday, August 27, 2020

Report on “Rahimafrooz”

Section: ONE 1. 1 Introduction The word ‘environment’ doesn't simply allude to the normal or natural condition, despite the fact that that might be significant contemplations for some associations. Rather, it is a nonexclusive idea, which grasps the totality of outer condition powers, which may impact any part of authoritative movement. Correspondingly, the word ‘business’ is utilized to infer any kind of association, regardless of whether it is a business benefit making undertaking, an administration organization or a non-benefit making magnanimous trust. 1. 2 Background: The report-directed rahimafrooz restricted. This organization all prepared set up in the market. Rohimafrooz first spear their item in 1954. We are setting up this report condition sway (uniquely natural effect) investigation the rahimafrooz restricted. We are visit rahimafrooz deals focus and gather a lot of data. In this paper â€Å"Impact of Environmental Forces in Industry uncommon spotlight on Ecology† each conceivable endeavor has been made to gather essential data to show the states of the item. 1. 3 Significance of the report: To legitimize the how circumstance natural condition sway the rahimafrooz Ltd. in Bangladesh. 1. 4 Scope of the report: The territory of study is kept to rahimafrooz Ltd. n Bangladesh. The activity is to survey the general organization natural effect. This report has been set up through broad conversation with bunch part and dealer of the organization. ?A diagram of IPS and battery industry in Bangladesh. ?An outline of rahimafrooz constrained in Bd ?Marketing execution of rahimafrooz restricted. 1. 5 Objectives: 1. 5. 1 Broad Objective: Our goal is to recognize Environmental Forces on Rahimafrooz Ltd. particularly biological effect on their creation procedure just as in general industry. 1. 5. 2 Specific Objective: ?To distinguish the ecologial state of Rahimafrooz Batteries and IPS Ltd. In Bangladesh. To distinguish the significant impediment to the method of thrive of the organization. ?To discover the goals of the Rahimafrooz Ltd. ?To recognize the financial and showcasing condition. 1. 6 Methodology: Methodology following to play out an occupation or directing exercises to finish an assignment is called approach. 1. 6. 1 Type of exploration: This is a Descript and trial research which quickly uncovers and breaks down the particularly biological effect of Rohimafrooz Ltd. 1. 6. 2 Sources of information 1. 6. 2. 1 Primary: Rohamaforooze vendor, advertising office, and client, merchant and so forth 1. 6. 2. 2 Secondary: Newspaper, article, library solid, and report. . 6. 3 Data assortment system: 1. 6. 3. 1 Secondary : †¢Published archives and reports †¢Annual reports of the Rahimafrooz . †¢Relevant sites (www. rahimafrooz bangladesh restricted. com) 1. 6. 3. 2 Primary: Interview and conversation with the authorities and customers 1. 6. 4 Questionnaire: A sensible poll is utilized in the statistical surveying. Both close finished and open-finished inquiries are utilized in the poll. 1. 6. 5 Sampling plan: ?Sample unit: The example unit of the study is an individual client of IPS and battery in BD. ?Populace: All the client of IPS and battery item in mirpur aria. Test outline: No very much organized example outline is found. ?Testing method: Non-likelihood comfort inspecting system is utilized in the review. ?Sampie size: The example size is 100 individuals NoAreaNumber 01Mirpur-11 number50 02Mirpur-10 number30 03Mirpur-01 number20 1. 6. 6 Data investigation and announcing: We have utilized distinctive PC programming to dissects this reports. For example, Microsoft word, Microsoft exceed expectations and so on 1. 7 Limitations: ?Lack of time ?Lack of information ?Lack of adequate money related help. ?Absence of legitimate book, diaries and article and so on. ?Absence of significant information and data. Absence of flawless co-activity. Section: TWO Theoretical Aspects ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES A Classification of Environmental powers: 1. LE. PESTC investigation. 2. â€Å"Dartboard† model. 3. Harmony and Robinson hypothesis. There have been various endeavors to demonstrate the business condition either in its totality or in its particular components. Maybe the most mainstream of the previous class is PEST investigation. The straightforward abbreviation PEST (representing Political, Economic, Social, Technological) serves well as an assistant diary while considering the variety of natural powers impacting business movement. It includes most zones of concern these field. Irritation examination empowers to collect a legitimate and far reaching image of their condition. Anyway it is the interrelationship between the evidently unique factor, which includes multifaceted nature, and vulnerability to the examination yet additionally wealth more prominent exactness Figure: LE PEST C Analysis Economical †¢GDP per capita †¢economic development †¢unemployment rate †¢inflation rate †¢consumer and speculator certainty †¢inventory levels †¢currency trade rates †¢merchandise exchange balance †¢financial and political wellbeing of exchanging accomplices †¢balance of installments †¢future patterns Political †¢political atmosphere †measure of government action political solidness and hazard †¢government obligation †¢budget shortage or surplus †¢corporate and individual expense rates †¢payroll charges †¢import levies and amounts †¢export limitations †¢restrictions on un iversal monetary streams Legal †¢minimum wage laws †¢environmental assurance laws †¢worker security laws †¢union laws †¢copyright and patent laws †¢anti-imposing business model laws †¢Sunday shutting laws †¢municipal licenses †¢laws that favor business venture Technological †¢efficiency of foundation, including: streets, ports, air terminals, moving stock, emergency clinics, training, human services, correspondence, and so on †¢industrial efficiency †¢new fabricating forms new items and administrations of contenders †¢new items and administrations of gracefully chain accomplices †¢any new innovation that could affect the organization †¢cost and openness of electrical influence Ecological †¢ecological worries that influence the organizations creation forms †¢ecological worries that influence clients' purchasing propensities †¢ecological worries that influence clients' impression of the organizat ion or item Social †¢demographic factors, for example, opopulation size and dispersion oage conveyance oeducation levels oincome levels oethnic starting points oreligious affiliations †¢attitudes towards: omaterialism, private enterprise, free undertaking independence, job of family, job of government, community orole of chapel and religion oconsumerism oenvironmentalism oimportance of work, pride of achievement †¢cultural structures including: odiet and sustenance ohousing conditions Competitive †¢Labor flexibly oquantity of work accessible oquality of work accessible ostability of work flexibly owage desires oemployee turn-over rate ostrikes and work relations oeducational offices †¢Material providers oquality, amount, cost, and dependability of material data sources odelivery postpones oproximity of massive or substantial material information sources olevel of rivalry among providers Universal Economy Technology part International Context Government Industry ORGANIZATION crude material Market segments social Human assets Sector Universal Finance Sector part Figure: Dartboard model The dartboard arrangement gives the association of spot in the middle while transmitting from are 8 classes natural concern. Innovation Sector Both the sorts and the degree of innovation in the general public give knowledge into understanding an establishment. Organizations managing Western ideal models are reliant on the condition of national framework, e. g. power, water, transport; those which focus on indigenous examination ideal models may have very surprising conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to comprehend the degree of applicable innovation in the institutional setting and whether such innovation is characterized by PC proficiency or by exceptionally created indigenous strategies for verbal and nonverbal correspondence. It may likewise be useful for an evaluation to incorporate a thought of the procedure by which new innovation comes into utilization, both to see that it is so hard to secure required exploration advances and to build up a gratefulness for the general public's eagerness to grasp both new information and change. Government Sector At a general level, IDRC needs to comprehend the connection between administrative system or improvement plans and the establishment. A few explicit components of the political setting ought to be examined: †¢The degree to which government and its organization bolsters and contributes assets to the establishment: It is basic that IDRC and other subsidizing offices know whether critical administrative data sources are foreseen to help expanded staffing, support, or other repeating costs run of the mill in research ventures. The political setting for the most part involves asset exchange off choices at the administration level. The degree to which the political framework is steady or ready to experience noteworthy change: This factor is crucial; the international strategy setting and its impact on IDRC ought to likewise be thought of. †¢Whether the political setting of the foundation straightforwardly includes the legitimate setting: Some organizations require explicit lawful status to work, to get outside financing, and to import hardware on the side of exploration. Financial Sector In the monetary condition, the hierarchical examination should fixate on those parts of the monetary framework that legitimately sway the kind of task being thought of. For instance, swelling, work laws, and opportunity costs for analysts in open foundations straightforwardly sway hierarchical exercises. Obviously, a nation under an auxiliary change system or one that is hoping to experience rebuilding presents a venture setting that IDRC

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tourism Industry in Nepal-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Examine about the ascent of Tourism Industry in Nepal. Answer: Foundation of Research The Himalayan realm of Nepal, Manang District is found near the Nepal Tibet outskirt and is one of the 75districs in Nepal. This goal is positions high among the top goal for travelers because of its shocking and world well known trekking courses of Annapurna and sightseers take resting days in Manang before the treks to adjust to the elevation (Reynolds 2015). The territory was shut to outsiders till 1970.the universes most elevated arranged Lake Tilicho Lake is a star fascination for vacationer going to Manang. While deluge of traveler was set to decrease after the seismic tremor that crushed Nepal on the 25th of April 2015 yet the Manang locale has not indicated quite a bit of a decrease in vacationer inflow. It has as of late observed a lift in local the travel industry. It is likewise expressed by the Manang Chamber of Commerce Industry the residential traveler inflow to wads the vacationer center points has expanded in an enormous manner and the Manang the travel industry relies upon household sightseers to run (One Call Now 2017). Anyway it isn't sure what is the specific increment in number of local sightseers. For some, remote voyagers coming to Manang or some other piece of the Annapurna valley is increasingly similar to an otherworldly excursion through the legendary place where there is Shangri La (Planet et al. 2015). The venture head of Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) in Manang expressed that there is a progression of companion vacationer during the time as new poles has made it feasible for household traveler to come in any event, during the blustery seasons. As per the information Manang is getting around 15 visitors of remote nationality consistently (My Republica 2017). Research Aim Statement The reason for this examination is to take a gander at the deluge of household the travel industry in the Manang District t of Nepal 2017. Research Objectives To perceive and dismember the amount of household vacationers making a trip to the Manang area. To take a gander at the most critical parts that the goal is advancing to the vacationers. To research the air/road transportation and sort of visitor settlement in the locale. Information Requirement The proposed examination has prerequisite of both subjective and quantitative informational collections to achieve the target that is set. The subjective information will be obtained from the explorers who have visited Manang. The quantitative information will be sourced from private just as government sources related with the Manang locale and related sites. To discover reasonable and definite components that expansion the progression of residential vacationers in Manang. Proposed Research Methods For this examination, a quantitative strategy for data aggregation is proposed where individual meetings with the sightseers who have been t or wish to go to Manang is completed. Sets of overview surveys having different choice answers are to be orchestrated with the objective to remove precise data towards the end. This strategy moreover applies to remote nationals who have an unmistakable talent and interest to wander into the Himalayan realm of Nepal, Manang. References My Republica. (2017).Manang overflowing with vacationers even in slow time of year. [online] Available at: One Call Now. (2017).Employee Communications in a Social Media-Driven World - One Call Now. [online] Available at: correspondences internet based life driven-world/]. Planet, L., Mayhew, B., Brown, L. what's more, Butler, S., 2015.Lonely Planet Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya. Desolate planet. Reynolds, K., 2015.Abode of the Gods: Tales of Trekking in Nepal. Cicerone Press Limited.

Friday, August 21, 2020

College Essay Samples For Students

College Essay Samples For StudentsThere are a number of things to look for when choosing which college essay samples to use. Since so many students attempt to write their own assignments, it is important to take the time to choose the right one. It is important to choose one that is free of grammatical errors and grammar flaws. The college essay samples offered through online services are not always the best source for students to follow.Students should look for essay samples that are written by different authors. Some writers will be able to pen an essay that is very personal to you while others will not. This is why students need to make sure they choose an essay sample that has several authors. They need to be able to use one sample from each author in order to get a good idea of what style they will be writing.Students should also compare the price of the essay samples offered through the online service. Many times the service will offer a number of different samples for students to review. However, the amount of money is not usually the same on all samples. Therefore, students should be careful about purchasing essays from these sites.Texas high school students who need college essays need to make sure they go with only one online service. This allows students to go through all of the samples available to ensure they choose the best one. Each essay sample chosen should have its own unique style and feel. They should also contain lots of examples of real writing so that students can see the style being used in order to judge their own style.Students should also compare the types of essays that Texas high school students are offered. Most Texas high school students spend a lot of time on essays. They spend countless hours on the computer and filling out research papers. Therefore, students need to make sure that their essay samples are high quality essayas well.Students should also review the background of the writer when they are choosing the college essay samples offered by Texas high schools. Many people have been upset about the amount of plagiarism on the Internet. Therefore, they need to do everything possible to ensure that the essay they are looking at is an original piece of work. Any plagiarized materials should be immediately reported to the writer and the college.Texas high school students should always consider the source of the essay samples. It is important to look at the writers' credentials. Some writers will be better suited for college essays than others. Therefore, students should be sure they choose a writer that has had success writing college essays.Last, but not least, students should be certain that the Texas high school student wants a paper with specific topics included. They should look for essay samples that are very generic. They should also compare the cost of the samples offered with other samples that are more specific. This will allow students to find a place where they can get a high quality paper wit hout having to pay a lot of money.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Perspective on Color and Race from a Childs Eye Essay

When children come into the world they are not born hating anyone, in fact they are born completely helpless and dependent on another person to care for them. Children are also dependent on others to learn. They come into this world needing to feel protected and loved, so why do we teach them to hate? Why not instead teach them to love? There are many things that will need to change in our society to dismantle racism; however it will need to start with our children. My paper will show who is oppressed, who is oppressing, and will compare and contrast what has happened in history, and to where we will need to start to end racism. I Have a Dream Dr. Martin Luther King in his â€Å"I have a dream speech† stated that now is the time to rise†¦show more content†¦With this theory, it leads many adults not wanting to talk to their children about race because they fear it could lead to putting ideas in their minds (Aboud 2008). When young children do express thoughts of race or being bias, it is often dismissed as either bad parenting, child not knowing what they are talking about, or simply bad behavior in children. Research clearly shows that children not only recognize race from a very young age, but also develop racial biases by age’s three to five that do not necessarily resemble the racial attitudes of adults in their lives (Aboud 2008). Three- to five-year-olds in a racially and ethnically diverse day care center used racial categories to identify themselves and others, to include or exclude children from activities, and to negotiate power in their own social/play networks (Van Ausdale Feagin 2001). Children are motivated to learn and conform to the broader cultural and social norms that will help them function in society. In order to gauge these community norms, children have to gather information from a broad range of sources – not just their own families (Aboud 2008). By the time they are 6 years old, many children are showing in-group favoritism toward their own race, which some have interpreted as a developing prejudice toward people of other racial and ethnic groups (Aboud 2005). If children are showing a preference toward their own raceShow MoreRelatedThe African American Perspective Throughout The Harlem Renaissance1383 Words   |  6 Pages The African American Perspective Throughout the Harlem Renaissance African Americans had to push very hard to be seen and noticed. The Harlem Renaissance was a time where they created beautiful works of art to express the strength that they had. Zora Neale Hurston, author of How It Feels to Be Colored Me, expresses the importance of white people seeing and understanding African American’s pride and history. Augusta Savage creates the sculpture Gamin as a symbol for all African Americans. 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Slavery in the United States began in 1619 when the first slaves were brought from Africa to Jamestown, VirginiaRead MoreThe Radical Groups Of Thinkers1548 Words   |  7 Pagesbeing; Nature (Genetics, biological traits,) versus Nurture (Environmental effects, learning behavior). There are two radical groups of thinkers in which strictly oppose each other, Nativists and Empiricist and with a common interest in mind, their perspective of how a being develops behaviorally and cognitively differ drastically with very few to none similarities. This theory provides the most insight to the mystery that is ourselves. Nativists and Empiricists are radical groups of philosophers, psychologistsRead MoreThe Chain Of Success Is A Symbol Of The Oppression Within Our Own Society Essay1517 Words   |  7 PagesThe Chain of Success The Child in The People that Walked Away from Omelas is a symbol of the oppression within our own society. Through the child we’re able to reflect on the extreme effects of oppression and how it leaves a mark on society as a whole. We live in a world where success is built by a foundation based on Oppression. Success is like a chain in which the people on the base suffer to balance those on top. This idea is reinforced in the story when the child is oppressed to protectRead MoreUndocumented Border By Erin Clark1592 Words   |  7 Pagesmigrating are greater than the risks and costs, illegal immigration becomes an option. Undocumented Border Movement is a collection of works that expose and narrate illegal immigration. Artworks express issues through the details that catch the audience’s eye, shown by artist Julio Cesar Morales; a Mexican born mixed media artist. His series Undocumented Interventions includes artworks that reflect, immigration, through which he conveys the processes of Mexicans illegally crossing the border into America;

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Teachers Pay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 757 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/02/04 Category Statistics Essay Level High school Tags: Teacher Essay Did you like this example? Teachers have an imperative role in our society, they play a major part in the lives of children by assisting them to acquire the knowledge they need.Teachers have always been shaping the future by educating their students with passion and providing support. In our society today teachers don’t get the appreciation, respect and money they deserve.There is a major misconception in our society where we seem to overlook the teacher’s duties and the amount of pressure they face each day. Teachers deserve to be paid a reasonable rate and given appreciation for their hard work .Many people would agree that teachers are relied on to educate and guide their students to the best of opportunities. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Teachers Pay" essay for you Create order We extremely depend on teachers to shape children into bright and well educated individuals. People dont get into teaching for the higher pay rates ,but instead they enter this field because of their passion to pass on knowledge and make a difference in children’s lives. Teachers in victoria earn about $60,000in their first year compared to a electricinist who makes up to $80,000 a year which is a very shocking amount. Teachers are expected to teach, provide, support and work outside hours. As our generation continues to grow the demand on teachers skills increases, they are expected to prepare students for the future and counsel them.Teachers use counseling techniques daily and our society fails to realize that they are, an example of this behavior is when students misbehave teachers approach with respect and discuss how they can respond to the situation differently, that is a basic form of cognitive behavioural therapy. Teachers are not trained to counsel students, however they are expected to deal with issues outside their field without proper preparation. As fellow citizens of our country we want the best education for our children, but fail to see the amount of responsibilities teachers are expected to fulfil and how little they are paid, by showing support and understanding of the relevance of teachers in our children’s lives we could make a difference. Teachers are extremely involved in our childrens lives they are anticipated to teach students skills that will shape them into well educated and responsible citizens of our society. A Recent study conducted by the Australian Government in 2014 on the latest figure from the Australian bureau of statistics suggests that 53% of people who hold a teaching degree do not currently work in an education field. This is an outrageous number of teachers leaving the field due to many reasons such as unsatisfactory pay rates, we do not have to make teachers choose between their passion and income. Teachers are not only expected to educate, but also work an absurd measure of hours outside their work hours.Teachers in Australia work approximately 60 hours a week according to a recent survey by the AEU,compared to a physiotherapist who typically works 37 hours a week and gets paid $64,416 annually. We tend to rely on teachers to complete tasks and plan lessons outside their work hours to give our children the best opportunities which in other professions would not be tolerated. Majority of professions in Australia get the appreciation and money for the time spend working over their job expectancy, while teachers feel the duty to work overtime without pay. Teaching isnt as straightforward as it is made out to be, many people assume that teachers have it easy and finish early, but fail to see how teachers go above and beyond their job expectancy to meet students needs and spend countless unpaid hours marking, planning, and counseling students with issues. A large percentage of our society assumes that becoming a teacher is a simple task, requiring few years of training and youre on your way to changing many lives, but the reality is that becoming a teacher requires a lot of time and investment. To become an Australian qualified teacher it requires at least an overall 70 study score and 4 years in Uni. Universities in Australia are extremely overpriced and require a payment of $27,900 it is approximately half of what a qualified teacher would generally make in their first year of teaching. After a person completes their Uni course they are also required to undertake a police background check.A teachers role in our society is extremely i mportant; they educate, support and provide support for our children and their importance needs to be valued and esteemed. As fellow citizens of our country we need to support their hard work and demand for the pay rates they deserve.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Education System And The Lack Of Education - 982 Words

While reading the research paper, one thing which is clear about the author is that he is someone who understands the need of education for every individual. He understands the importance of education and how it can change someone’s life completely. Throughout the paper, author tries to force the reader to understand the education system and the lacking in it. The author has used many references and is telling people to work hard as it is the key to success, in order to make our country flourish and better than other we have to educate our own people and this is the thinking of the author. My goal in this paper is to bring out the facts and present the reality of the writing of the author. In this research paper, Henderson has come up with a problem which is faces almost by every student in his life, the problem when he wants to study but he is stuck between job and studies, even if he manages the time he gets so tired that he is not able to complete his assignments. But suppo se that he is also done with the assignments and he is working really hard day and night and is making sure that he gives time to his job as well as his studies, he does all this because it’s all in his hands that whether he studies hard or not, he does job or not but at some point he is unable to do anything because it is not in his hands and that is the bills he has to pay for his own studies. The author is capable of bringing facts in the light and aware the readers about those facts. He is tryingShow MoreRelatedWhy Education Systems Has Success, And The Lack Of The American Education System1585 Words   |  7 Pagescurriculum. However, the film was not very thorough when describing the American system and it didn’t show any concrete evidence. As a result, I still had questions about why education systems had success, and the lack thereof in the United States. I started my research by looking at articles about America’s education system. I used the keywords â€Å"American education system,† â€Å"American education spending,† and â€Å"Global education rankings.† An article from the CBS News explained that the United States rankedRead MoreThe Higher Education System or Lack Thereof Essay1941 Words   |  8 PagesThe higher education system (or lack thereof) is not serving the country and its citizens. The increasing number of admission standards, exponential tuition increases, the financing of the cost through loans, and the boasting of turning students away all contribute to rising disparity between the quality of education that upper class families can afford compared to lower and middle income families. The rising costs of higher education in this country are problematic in that they fuel a disparityRead MoreWhy The Government Support Women When There Is A Lack Of Funding For The Education System?1808 Wor ds   |  8 Pages How could the government support women when there is a lack of funding in the education system? Not much money is going directly to the students or teachers. â€Å"Based on direct observation in schools, classrooms and of teachers in different countries of the region, the study concluded that Latin American students lose an average of one day of classes weekly due to teachers’ inefficient use of time† (The World Bank). Teachers have to go about their ways to make the class and lecture engaging with theRead MoreCorrelation Between Lack Of Student Responsibility And Abseentism Within The Higher Education System1309 Words   |  6 Pages In the Dea(r)th of Student Responsibility, written by Holley Hassel and Jessica Lourey, they examine the relationship between student abseentism, grade inflation and the lack of responsibility they see in students. Hassel and Lourey surveyed six hundred and sixty-six students at Alexandria Technical College in west central Minnesota and Five hundred and twenty-nine students at the University of Wisconsin (3). They asked the students a series of questions regarding grades, the responsibilities ofRead MoreInformation Analysis : Chinese Education897 Words   |  4 PagesInformation analysis: Chinese education is to be improved Last year, the Chinese Ministry of Education to introduce new reform of the education system. Although China s education system is the strongest in the world and thought, recent studies have shown that there are a number of drawbacks. The main problem is the failure of Chinese education shedding talented students with great potential. This system emphasizes the ordinary students, and those who do not fit, too frequent cancellation. Why isRead MoreEssay on Public Education in America: Challenges and Solutions1345 Words   |  6 Pagesissues that plague the public education system. Several of the concerning challenges that it faces today are: The lack of familial support or guidance some students receive, the increase in the population of individuals that seem to undervalue the benefit of an education, and the test-centered curriculum structure that is applied in a majority of schools, within the system. There desperately needs to be an engagement of ideas to mend the problems that the education system faces. Not only would it allowRead MoreThe Problems Within The Education System989 Words   |  4 Pagesand the presence it has in education is detrimental to minorities during vital stages in their life. Not only does this lack of education affect obvious things such as a person s future career, but it also affects their psychology and causes them to be more likely to make poor decisions during their life. Not only do you see racism in most levels of education, but you also see it somewhat taught in the classrooms as well. A lot of speculation has been done on education, trying to determine whatRead MoreNecessary Growth: An Exploration of the Blossoming Need for STEM Education 1631 Words   |  7 PagesToday, countries and their education systems are in a mad race to keep up with the world’s technological advances. Unfortunately for the residents of the United States, one of the country’s most debilitating problems is that it is falling behind is the lack of STEM (Science, Technology, Math and Engineering) Education directed towards all students, both male and female, in its school systems. Attempts to remedy this are currently in progress, but the nation has fallen drastically behind other globalRead MoreIndia s Quality Of Education1096 Words   |  5 PagesIndia, statistically, has one of the best school systems in the world. Their enrolment rates, according to UNICEF, a re on average 98.5% and their government outlay in education is the third largest in the world just after the United States of America and China. However, due to a number of factors, India’s education is lacking in quality. This was shown in the international PISA tests in 2009, in which two of India’s states, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, took part and came 72nd and 73rd respectivelyRead MoreThe Education System Of The United States Fair1591 Words   |  7 PagesIs the education system of the United States fair to everyone ? Although many find it fair, we are living in times when segregation is still part of one of the most important systems that supposed to treat everyone equal, and to provide the same opportunities for academic success. However, there still a big gap, and children in low-income communities are suffering the consequences. I argue that segregation in the education system is harming the low-income communities and putting children that lives

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Microsoft- Organizational and Management Process Change

Question: Analyze the issues and constraints faced by the organization that prompted the need for change. Explain the role of the leader in the change management process. Evaluate the implemented change as being sustainable in order to create a competitive advantage. Answer: Organizational change is a revolution which is brought to an organization. However such a change cannot be instilled automatically. Careful deliberations are to be done before implementing any change in the management process. Managers are considered to be the leaders of an organization and it is to be understood that no change is feasible until and unless there is an effective integration between the human capitals, the technologies and the other related resources of the organization (Frost, 2014). The mid of the year 2000 saw that it is a regular feature for all business houses to ensure that timely organizational changes and transformations are a must for their survival in this competitive world. The major change which is required is that of culture. The company may have hired the best possible human capital and the technology installed is also of a high level but the same may not be worthy enough for its cost if the culture of the organization is morose, dull, bureaucratic and do minating in nature (Aguirre Alpern, 2014). One such company which is facing a major challenge with regards lack of proper leadership is Microsoft Inc. The company lacks in the existence of a good corporate culture. There exists a culture wherein people do not trust each other, there are fractions between them and a feeling of animosity due to which all are working for different purpose rather than one single aim of the company as a whole. During the reign of Bill Gates as the CEO, Microsoft has always employed young budding talent who were always on the verge of innovation and were considered to be one of the best employers for 11 long years until the same fell into the hands of a bureaucrat. People were no more rewarded for their work but were highly recommended basis the internal politics. The culture within the organization had become dirty, serious and loutish in nature (Eichenwald, 2012). The culture underwent such a drastic change that instead of crippling the competitors in the external world, employees were more conce ntrated towards crippling their own co-workers since the rewards strategy was formulated like that. These internal thrifts ended up delaying of launch of innovative products which had a dramatic impact on the potential market. All this happened due to lack of leadership quality of Ballmer (Carr, 2013). He led the team by applying the policy of divide and rule within the organization thinking that this would fetch him the best possible results. However the scenario was not as expected. The company, who had not seen any downfall until 1999, started seeing its demise. A company whose stock has just portrayed an upward graph started revealing a perpetual downtrend. All this was due to lack of adequate leadership qualities. However the leadership of Ballmer soon ended after fourteen long years and was taken up by Satya Nadella.In the year 2014, the first step that Satya took to try regain the lost power and market share of Microsoft Inc. was to bring a change in the leadership team. His thinking criterion was very different from the former CEO and he clearly expresses his views to work as a cohesive team with broader viewpoint and also encouraged people to find meaning in the work they undertook to perform. The CEO tried to change the approach of the senior leadership team by emphasizing upon the concept of cohesiveness and unity in work (Yarow, 2013). Satya Nadella has redefined the entire leadership team and the same now comprises of such experienced leaders in different functional areas that he is sure to create the history again which Bill Gates had done during his tenure as a CEO. He has only impressed upon the fact that to work in one sway needs unity, optimism, honesty, commitment, reliance and trust. He describes what happens while we row and the sync that is required for the rowing to happen perfectly. This shows that all the rowers have to work in collaboration to achieve the goal. No one can work in isolation is re-defined by Satya Nadella (Microsoft News Centre 2014). He inculcated the involvement of the employees in the decision making of the company and welcomed their views by giving them opportunities of proposing ideas into various projects. Thus what Bill Gates had done and what Ballmer had destroyed, Satya Nadella is trying to re-instate the loss by carving some of the ideologies put down by Bill Gates again (Bekk er, 2014). Satya Nadella had applied the lessons that he had learnt about leadership during his school times and they seem to work well for the company as well. He knows when to boost up the confidence of the employees and his teams. If he notices any kind of a downward trend then instead of punishing or questioning people he helps them out which boosts their morale. He also concentrated his attention towards instilling the idea of innovation and implementation. He believes that if the employees are given a room to innovate and implement then growth is bound to happen. His leadership stances will lead to sustainable growth story as he focuses on productivity of not only the company but of every individual who is a part of Microsoft and views the company as a single universe with no fragments. His efforts are directed towards flattening the organization structure which was somehow changed into a vertical structure by Ballmer. This will help the flow of information to become more smooth and stead y (Dua, 2016). Although the layoffs that Nadella has to ensure will create some sort of insecurity within the organization, but once the same is complete, he will have to build up the lost confidence of the existing employee base. Nadella has a very good reputation, but the fear the employees have because of the rule of the former CEO has to be eradicated by his efforts to ensure sustainability in his ideas. Thus Satya Nadella is a leader who chooses to be clear with his ideas. He encourages the idea of learning and practices the same in reality. He narrates to its employees that work should not be the ultimate aim of life. They should make efforts to cultivate their hobbies as this will lead to higher productivity at work as well. Unlike Ballmer and like Bill Gates, Satya Nadella focussed upon one Microsoft Culture which believes in working as a single unified family (Ovide, 2014). All the teams were interconnected to each other and made dependent to each other. The goals and aims of the company w ere narrated clearly to the employees so that all are driven towards the same path. His vision is to see where Microsoft was before 1999 but at the same time his vision also entails benefiting its employees as well. This ensures sustenance in the corporate world and that the competitors should also be made aware that Microsoft is soon going to be a part of the corporate race as it used to be during the time of Bill Gates (Eurich, 2014). Therefore it is understood from the above that Microsoft had suffered a huge thunder bolt during the reign of Steve Ballmer who took away the title of the best employer across the globe. However the company under the present leadership of Satya Nadella is again seen steering towards grabbing the old title. This leadership quality of ensuring to change the fragmental culture of Microsoft into that of unity in work will help it to get back its lost customer base, productivity and dedication that the employees had. It will also help to attract better employees which are also the need of the hour. Todays world demands a good corporate culture as well along with monetary gains which can come only if the team is lead by someone who has an attitude of empathy rather than sympathy (Yakowicz, 2014) . Thus on summarizing the above analysis it is understood that to ensure an organizational change to bring revolution, leaders and their leadership qualities play a very vital role. In the modern scenario no organization can work and grow in an isolated environment. They need to ensure all the elements within an organization are integrated in such a manner that the relationship developed is closely knit and trust is imbibed within them. Microsoft had faced the brunt of disintegration under the leadership of Steve Ballmer; however the same is now expected to experience a radical change in the organizational structure, culture and management process. It may be time consuming to mend the loss done by Ballmer but the way Satya Nadella views to lead the team, his far sighted vision and the enthusiasm clearly shows a bright ray of sun which will soon bring a radical change for the benefit of the organization as a whole. References Aguirre, D. Alpern, M. (2014). 10 Principles of Leading Change Management. Retrieved from Bekker, S. (2014). Nadella Outlines Microsoft Organizational Changes. Retrieved from Carr, A. (2013). Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmers Legacy: A Salesman without Product Vision. Retrieved from Dua, K. (2016). How Satya Nadella Rebooted Microsofts Corporate Culture?. Retrieved from Eichenwald, K. (2012). Microsofts Lost Decade. Retrieved from Eurich, T. (2014). Why Microsofts Nadella may succeed where Ballmer failed?. Retrieved from Frost, S. (2014). Barriers and Challenges to Change Implementation. Retrieved from Microsoft News Centre. (2014). Satya Nadella announces changes in senior leadership team. Retrieved from Ovide, S. (2014). Microsoft CEO Nadella Hints at Organizational Changes. Retrieved from Yakowicz, W. (2014). Leadership Lessons From Microsofts Satya Nadella. Retrieved from Yarow, J. (2013). Microsoft announces its Reorg. Retrieved from