Wednesday, October 30, 2019

American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

American Government - Essay Example Many immigrant families have a vision of seeking a better future for their kids and have often have unfortunate circumstances beyond their control. Hence, illegal immigrants should be able granted amnesty because it gives immigrants new opportunities, benefits the American core values, and enhances the economy. Before diving into the legality of the problem, it is crucial to understand why and how illegal immigration is a controversial issue. The famous saying that American roads are paved with gold is an ideology that is supported and believed by many. Every nation has a purpose of its creation and independence. The untold story of America is bit different as America was founded upon the principles of freedom. America’s tradition to build upon opportunity has been the pinnacle point that has made it exceptional over the years. Undoubtedly, it is also one of the key characteristics that has made individuals all across the world to migrate to America. A country where opportunities are prevalent and individualism is propagated is truly an element that makes this country exceptional. Examples of immigration success rage from Albert Einstein to Barack Obama. Hence, America continues to be exceptional because of the opportunities, firm belief in changing status quo, and diversity that it has celebrated over the centuries. This is why America appeals to illegal immigrant, because it allows them to migrate here and seek an opportunity that was never present in their homeland. First and foremost, it is essential to understand that American citizens feel entitled to preserve any invasion that would affect their American dream. Most Americans have a very clear understanding that most illegal immigrants come to America seeking a better life and are willing to work hard for a lower pay. This insecurity has been a focal point of Americans for many centuries. It is clear that this hostility is built because of these issues that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reaction to Triarchic Theory of Love According to Sternberg Essay Example for Free

Reaction to Triarchic Theory of Love According to Sternberg Essay Wherein he shows us the different components of love, namely: intimacy, passion and decision/ commitment. This theory shows that love can be understood in terms of the three components, and they can be viewed as forming the triangle. Intimacy acts as the top vertex of the triangle, passion acts as the left point of the triangle and decision/commitment acts as the right point of the triangle. According to Sternberg, intimacy is refers to the feeling of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships. It can also be the feeling experienced happiness with the loved one, high regard for the loved one, being able to count on the loved one in times of need, mutual understanding with the loved one, sharing of ones self and ones possessions with the loved one, receipt of emotional support from the loved one, giving of emotional support to the loved one, intimate communication with the loved one, and valuing the loved one in ones life. The next component, passion refers to the drive that leads to romance, physical attraction and lust in relationships. This component allows people in a relationship to experience passion and arousal. As for relationships that are fueled by passion, meaning the â€Å"arousal† drew the in to the relationship, it is the intimacy component that sustains the closeness in the relationship. And the last component, decision/ commitment can be defined in terms of the length of the relationship, in short term it can be defined as the decision we make to love someone, whereas in long term it can be defined as the commitment to maintain that love. If likened to temperature, intimacy can viewed as the â€Å"warm† one, passion as the â€Å"hot† one and decision/commitment as the â€Å"cold† one. In sum, all these three components are important in a loving and strong relationship, without the other, the relationship may not last as long. REACTION: Love. A four-letter word which means what? A great man once said, â€Å"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. † Who is this man? Aristotle. David Byrne said, â€Å"Sometimes its a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence. Mark Twain said, â€Å"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Do you understand it? Is it the same for you? Do you now know exactly what love is? I don’t. But I’ll try to sort things out through my experience and maybe, I can show you and tell you what love is. Love has been called many things, defined a thousan d times, analyzed for ages. But no one can put into words what love is. Maybe because no words can explain or define what love is? No matter how cliche, mushy and hopelessly romantic that sounds, it’s true. Love is not easy to explain. Try it yourself and see how far you got, I’ll bet your still on â€Å"It’s what you feel. † From my experience, love brings you hope, pain, joy, memories worthy of treasuring forever and love. Love is shared between two people who have feelings towards each other, it may be a friend, or a special someone. And loving is never easy. From my experience, it did bring joy and pain. I’m not trying to scare you. Even if love brings pain, the joy that comes with it is wondrous. A joy that is immeasurable. A joy that has the power to make the pain and the burdens you have go away. It gives you butterflies in your stomach; it makes your heart do somersaults, it makes you nervous, it makes you cry, it makes you laugh, it makes you see the beauty in everything. Love is truly beautiful. And I think, without love, the world we know today would have ceased to exist a long time ago. Even amidst all these chaos, deep within we can find love. So, from what I see, love is everywhere, found in all things, beautiful and confusing. References: Sternberg, Robert J. A triangular theory of love. Psychological review 93.2 (1986): 119. Sternberg, Robert J. Liking versus loving: A comparative evaluation of theories. Psychological Bulletin 102.3 (1987): 331. Beall, Anne E., and Robert J. Sternberg. The social construction of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 12.3 (1995): 417-438. Sternberg, Robert J., and Karin Weis. The new psychology of love. Yale University Press, 2006. Sternberg, Robert J., and Todd I. Lubart. The concept of creativity: Prospects and paradigms. Handbook of creativity 1 (1999): 3-15. Fehr, Beverley. A prototype approach to studying love. The new psychology of love (2006): 225-246. Bisson, Melissa A., and Timothy R. Levine. Negotiating a friends with benefits relationship. Archives of sexual behavior 38.1 (2009): 66-73.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Creative Writing: The Last Days of Earth Essay -- Creative Writing Essa

Destruction It was a dark, cold, cloudy day. The clouds covered the sky like a big black sheet, nothing to be seen except darkness that seemed to go on forever. This was the third day in a row that there had been complete darkness, there was no getting rid of it. This was because of ‘the meteorite.’ It was Daisy Chamberling that broke the news at her usual time, 5 o’clock. It was a horrific moment as shock was spread all over the world by this news. Usually Daisy goes on about unimportant cases but this time she was serious. That was the big moment the world changed. Although Daisy was a news caster and you would expect her to be a social woman, she wasn’t. In fact she was the complete opposite. Daisy was a bright, intelligent 40 year old woman even though she never acted it. She was a well-brought up child until her father died and she inherited all his money. That’s when she became two-faced. She spent her money like it was going out of fashion, she would criticise other people just because they weren’t up to her standards and she was too posh. She sat in her chair, in the studio, like she was royalty, ordered people like slaves and got everything she wanted, at top notch. Daisy wanted to be the best but no-one could beat the weather girl, she was the best. Everybody loved her. Chelsea was a smart, classy but beautiful girl that was down to earth about things in life. Chelsea had come so far in life without any family and was only 25 years old. She was laid back about things but aware of people’s needs and worldwide issues. She was brave and confident to show people she wasn’t a little girl but a fighting woman waiting for the right time to show that. It had been three days since the terrifying news and no... ...s atmosphere! It was on it’s way and it was coming very soon. Daisy was hustling about the streets just like everyone else trying to help or running away from fire. Everyone was saying there last goodbyes to each other and that’s when the most vital things in life hit Daisy. She wanted to be loved, she wanted to help, she didn’t want to die alone and she had lost her only friend. Daisy sat quietly on a rock, sobbing to herself and full of guilt, she wanted Chelsea. It came as fast as lightning but slow like it was stuck or snagging on something. The meteorite was sure here. It was loud as it came storming through the darkness, it blocked out the crying and screaming of people falling to their deaths. The meteorite hit the world and it was like the ‘big bang.’ it was goodbye to Daisy, goodbye to Chelsea and goodbye to the world. It was Destruction.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Different kinds of festivals Essay

In a year we have celebrated different kinds of festivals.Sometimes,we do celebrate festivals following our religion.Different religions have different festivals to celebrate.Festival are celebrated in a grand way and gives much joy. The same thing goes for me.I am a Hindu and I celebrate many festivals.The best festival I have ever experienced is Deepavali.Deepavali comes on the month of November and it is usually on the second week of the month.Deepavali is known as the festival of lights for the Hindus. Last year,my family and I celebrated Deepavali at our grandparent’s house.After we woke up,we had to take an oil bath which was massaged from the head down to our toes.Then, we wore our new traditional clothes,dhoti and sari.We got ready to go to the temple near the house. The priest in the temple made a special offering and prayers to the God on this special day. After prayers in the temple,we went back home.A fe w minutes later,my relatives and neighbours came to our house.My grandmother served them with scrumptious traditional food.For instance,murukku,vadai,and tose.They really enjoyed their food and they said it was very tasty. Before the guest left the house,my grandfather gave them â€Å"ang pows†.I was really shocked because throughout I know only Chinese gave â€Å"ang pows† during their festival,Chinese New Year but I never knew that Indiansdid that too. Then, it was time to take our lunch.My father prepared some banana leaves to use as plates.It had really a different taste when eating from a banana leaf.It really potraits a traditional style. In the evening,we packed our things to get ready to go back home.We really missed our grandparents because they were the only ones who celebrated Deepavali in a special way. Among all the Hindu festival,I think the last Deepavali was the best festival I had ever experienced.I like the way they celebrate the festival with lighting up lights around their house.It shows that our life always brightens with ha

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

First Generation Romantics

Brittani Powell Dr. Matthew DeForrest ENG435/ TR 9:30-10:45 March 1, 2010 Individualism: First Generation Romantics The Romantics were known for their use of the unusual and old-fashioned in their poetry because they were in a very unusual and old-fashioned state of mind when writing their poetry. The Romantics were experimental writers and they lived during a very tough time period, and itshowed in their poetry. The Romantic period had the shortest life span of any literary era in the English language. It lasted 43 years, beginning from 1789 to 1832. It started during the French revolution and ended during the parliamentary reforms, which established a foundation for which still exists in modern day Britain. There were six major Romantics, and they were split into two generations. The first generation consisted of William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The second generation consisted of Percy Bysshe, John Keats, and George Gordon, Lord Byron. These poets were considered old-fashionedbecause they were the first to experiment with this style of writing. There was no one before them, so for influence they had to look back to the past for influence. Even when inventing a new style of writing there still has to be some influence. It is very hard to come up your own completely original literary style. They admired the work of Milton and Shakespeare very much. All the first generation romantics felt those two were the best poets and admired their style. Shakespeare and Milton were very old poets and they influenced the Romantics so their poems came off very old-fashioned and out dated. They used very old English that was hard for people to comprehend, making some people feel the writings were unusual. The Romantics were known for their theories on the connection between nature, the mind, and the imagination. The English Romantics accepted the reality of the link between man and nature in the form of the human imagination as the basis of human understanding, rejecting the scientific world view onmaterialism. Imagination is a force, or energy, that allows such a connection to be made. William Blake saw the human imagination as essential to human understanding of the world they live in; he saw reality as a â€Å"mental construction. According to Blake and the other Romantic poets, â€Å"once the energy of imagination is used effectively to realize the connection between man and nature, the individual gains freedom from the restrictive bonds of unimaginative thought. † The first generation romantics are characterized by their shift in style and subject manner from the Neo Classicalist. The use of satire is rare and the Romantics tend to focus on particular aspects of objects, people, and events instead of the fundamental nature of objects, people and events. One of the most important works pertaining to the change of style during this time was William Wordsworth’s Preface to Lyrical Ballads, which demonstrates Wordsworth’s particular motivations for how he writes the Lyrical Ballads. Notably the subjects of these poems, are â€Å"incidents and situations from common life† verses the normal neoclassical subject of incidents and situations from elevated life, like Alexander Pope’s Rape of the Lock, which is about the aristocracy and not the common people (Norton 266). Wordsworth also changes the style of his poetry when he states, â€Å"The reader will find that personifications of abstract ideas rarely occur in these volumes; and, I hope, are utterly rejected as ordinary device to elevate the style, and rise it above prose†, and â€Å"there will also be found in these volumes little of what is usually called poetic diction; I have take as much pains to avoid it as others ordinarily talk to produce it; this I have done for the reason already alleged, to bring my language near to the language of men, and further, because the pleasure which I have proposed to myself to impart is of a kind very different from what is supposed by many person to be the proper object of poetry† (Norton 267). Wordsworth and other first generation poets take a notable step away from their Neo Classical predecessors by embracing the common people and the common language. First Generation romantics also believe in the possible ability of dreams to clarify real ity, as seen in Coleridge’s Kubla_ Kahn_. Also _Kubla Kahn_,presents a different kind of characterization of the poet. The narrator states, â€Å"I would build that dome in air,† which shows the narrator’s desire to use his words combined with his imagination to create a poem, which is unlike the characterization of the poet in Rassles(Norton 448). In _Biographia Literaria_, Coleridge distinguishes imagination from fancy and even separates imagination further by distinguishing between primary and secondary imagination. Romanticism is often associated with radical individualism, and much Romantic poetry focuses on the struggles of the individual will to break or exceed its social and metaphysical bonds. Millenarianism, on the other hand, consists of the expectation of the fulfillment of God's providential design, in which the place left for individual human agency is limited if not nonexistent. The French Revolution could thus be viewed either as the work of heroic individuals struggling for liberty or as an act of God. The role of an individual as shown in Samuel T. Coleridge’s Religious Musings, is to know thyself; he starts the poem reflecting his Unitarian ideas about the independence of God, who is only One but at the same time He is everything we can feel and see and he equals God with Love. â€Å"There is one Mind, one omnipresent Mind, Omnific. His most holy name is Love† (Lines 105-106). Coleridge repeats two times â€Å"one† to emphasize the Unitarian Idea of the oneness of God. In the lines19-23 he speaks about the disaster of the war, the fight between France and England. A sea of blood bestrewed with wrecks, where mad embattling interests on each other rush/ With unhelmed rage ‘Tis the sublime of man. † You can imagine how terrible the situation was. It was like a disastrous vision, but a necessary vision because after it 1000 y ears of peace had come. According to Coleridge after that God will judge all the nations, â€Å"Our noontide Majesty, to know ourselves, parts and proportions of one wondrous whole! (Lines 127-129). † After this time of violence, a new better time came. The thoughts of the major part of the romantic poets are influenced by the French Revolution when they wrote about religion or other topics. Although at first some writers like Coleridge had a positive view of this violent period, later they changed their opinions because the results were not what they had expected. All the relations between the prophecies and the periods of violence did not come true and they felt disappointed. The French Revolution and the Unitarian tendencies of Coleridge is the key to understanding the major parts of his works and indispensable to understanding his religious point of view. Wordsworth's poetry is distinguished by his straightforward use of language and meter and his natural and often conversational themes and imagery. This is not to say, however, that Wordsworth's ideas are simple. He unites several ideas throughout his poetic works, including the importance of the natural world, transcendentalism and interconnectedness, religion, morality, mortality, memory and the power of the human mind. Wordsworth began publishing in 1793, at the age of 23, with a collection of poetry about a tour he took in the Swiss Alps – Descriptive Sketches. Wordsworth's poetry was a little ahead of its time; however, it instigated Romanticism in England through its emotional nature and its allusions to nature. His work has had a profound legacy on the Victorian and twentieth-century literature as well. Yet his ultimate goal was the betterment of mankind through the discovery of an individual's own joy and emotions. Percy Bysshe Shelly’s first major poetic work was _Queen _Mab. This poem was written early in his career and serves as a foundation to his theory of revolution. Shelly took William Godwin’s idea of â€Å"necessity† and combined it with his own idea of ever-changing nature, to establish the theory that contemporary societal evils would dissolve naturally in time. This was to be coupled with the creation of a moral mentality in people who could envision the ideal goal of a perfect society. The ideal was to be reached incrementally, because Shelley (as a result of Napoleon's actions in the French Revolution), believed that the perfect society could not be obtained immediately through violent revolution. Instead it was to be achieved through nature's evolution and ever-greater numbers of people becoming honorable and imagining a better society. _Queen _Mab was infused with scientific language and naturalizing moral prescriptions for an oppressed humanity in an industrializing world. William Blake, a painter and poet, and one of England’s most famous literary figures. A great predecessor to the Romantics, Blake was a revolutionary and visionary artist and his work represented a decisively new direction in the course the Visual Arts. He expressed an individualized view of humanity that became important to Romanticism. His poetry is described as â€Å"highly individual in style and technique† (Lawall, ed. , 540). To relate to his readers, Blake uses different voices and puts forth his own ideas about human existence. In his poem, The Little Black Boy, Blake uses the voice of a black boy who is confused on how he is different than the white boy. The reader is probably â€Å"painfully† aware of the society’s judgments of black people during this time. The black boy concludes by seeing himself as a protector to the white boy, â€Å"I’ll shade him from the heat till he can bear / To lean in joy upon our father’s knee† (Lawall, ed. , 544). Instead of understanding that white means good and black means bad, the black boy comes up with a new meaning for his black skin (Lawall, ed. 541). Blake uses emotion in his poetry to enhance the reader’s reaction to his works. He also looks to exposethe inner thoughts of the human being. Blake’s individualism within his poetry portrays the ideology that Romanticists sought to convey during this time period. The specialty of William Blake’s work is that he uses numerous literary techniques and devices to articulate his thoughts. He created such literary work because he was a creative thinker, fully conscious of the realities and complexities of experience, particularly the poverty and oppression of the urban world where he spent his most of his life. Still today, his artistic and poetic creations are valued in British culture. The first generation Romantics accepted reality of the link between man and nature, and man as an individual, in the form of the human imagination as the basis of human understanding, rejecting the scientific world view of materialism. The Romantic writer’s attempted to discover hidden unity between man and nature. It is imagination –a force, or energy, that allows such a connection to be made. The realization of this interdependent relationship carries with it a kind of freedom for the individual. William Blake saw the human imagination as essential to human understanding of the world; he saw reality as a â€Å"mental construction. † The Romantics asserted the importance of the individual. Brittani Powell Dr. Matthew DeForrest ENG435/ TR 9:30-10:45 March 1, 2010 Individualism: First Generation Romantics An Annotated Bibliography Damrosch, David, and Kevin Dettmar*. * *The Longman Anthology of British Literature. * New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. Print. This texton British Literature describes the distinction and conviction the first generation of the Romantic writers felt on individualism. The authors give a fresh approach to the study of Romantic Literature edited by scholars in the field. Major prose works are included in their entirety, together with a wealth of poetry and drama, from Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience to Byron’s Manfred —and beyond. The first generation Romantics and their Contemporaries of The Longman Anthology of British Literature is a comprehensive and thoughtfully arranged anthology that offers a rich selection of Blake’s commentaries and influences on the Romantic period. The text also includes Perspectives, Companion Readings, and â€Å"and Its Time† sections which show how major literary writings interrelate with and respond to various social, historical, and cultural events of Great Britain in the Romantic period. With a generous representation of fiction, drama, and poetry, the second edition includes major additions of important works and an expanded illustration program. This text is distinctive in exploring the perspective of the first generation writers and their take on individualism. *Greenblatt, Stephen, and M. H. Abrams. * *The Norton Anthology of English Literature. * New York: W. W. Norton, 2006. Print. The eighth edition of The Norton Anthology of English Literature text comprises six volumes, sold in two sets of three. The first set includes the volumes â€Å"The Middle Ages,† â€Å"The Sixteenth Century and The Early Seventeenth Century,† and â€Å"Restoration and the Eighteenth Century;† the second set includes â€Å"The Romantic Period,† â€Å"The Victorian Age,† and â€Å"The Twentieth Century and After. † The writings are arranged by author, with each author presented chronologically by date of birth. Historical and biographical information is provided in a series of head-notes for each author and in introductions for each of the time periods. Dickinson, Kate Letitia*. *William Blake's Anticipation of the Individualistic Revolution. * Philadelphia: R. West, 1978. Print. * This text on William Blake’s Anticipation of the Individualistic Revolution describes Blake’s struggle for individualism. The author describes Blake’s perspective and full descriptive criticisms on Blake’s works. Wordsworth, William, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Richey, and Daniel Robinson. Lyrical Ballads: and Related *Writings :* Complete Text with Introduction Contexts, Reactions. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Print. This collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel T. Coleridge describes a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, first published in 1798 and generally considered to have marked the beginning of the English Romantic movement in literature. Most of the poems in the 1798 edition were written by Wordsworth, with Coleridge contributing only four poems to the collection, including one of his most famous works, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. One of the main themes of â€Å"Lyrical Ballads† is the return to the original state of nature, in which people led a purer and more innocent existence. Wordsworth subscribed to Rousseau's belief that humanity was essentially good but was corrupted by the influence of society. This may be linked with the sentiments spreading through Europe just prior to the French Revolution. *Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, and J. C. C. Mays. **Poetical Works, II. Poems (variorum Text), Parts 1 & 2. * Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2001. Print. This text describes the three parts of Volume 16 confirm and expand the sense of the Coleridge who has emerged over the past half-century, with implications for English Romantic writing as a whole. This text is distinctive in exploring the works of Coleridge and is written with complete analysis of each poem. Shelley, Percy Bysshe*, Donald H. *Reiman*, and Neil *Fraistat*. * Shelley's Poetry and Prose: Authoritative Texts, Criticism. New York: Norton, 2002. Print. This collection of Shelley’s poetry and prose contains one of the fullest, and certainly the most accurately edited collections of Shelley's poetry and prose available. Shelley is the wild child of English poetry and his determined opposition to tyranny produced a huge variety of poetry, ranging from the rending lament of Keats in Adonais, to the defiant and taut sonnet Ozymandias. The essays in this volume are generally helpful and explain the structures of the poems where useful. They are also refreshingly short. This text distinctively contains 15 brief critical essays, which are among the best explications you'll find of Shelley's work. *Chandler, James. The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature. * Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2009. Print. In this text it describes the Romantic period as one of the most creative, intense and turbulent periods of English literature, an age marked by revolution, reaction, and reform in politics, and by the invention of imaginative literature in its distinctively modern form. This History presents an engaging account of six decades of literary production around the turn of the nineteenth century. Reflecting the most up-to-date research, the essays are designed both to provide a narrative of Romantic literature, and to offer new and stimulating readings of the key texts. One group of essays addresses the various locations of literary activity – both in England and, as writers developed their interests in travel and foreign cultures, across the world. A second set of essays traces how texts responded to great historical and social change. With a comprehensive

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ask the Right College Tour Questions

Ask the Right College Tour Questions College tours are excellent things. Your perky tour guide will show you all the campus landmarks, spout the important stats and answer any questions. So dont waste time asking frequently asked questions - FAQs are on the universitys website. Instead, ask questions that speak to your childs particular interests and concerns, the ones about real student experiences. Its best if your child, rather than you, puts together a list of questions that are important to him and does the asking, but if every teen on the tour is afflicted with a shyness attack, go ahead and get the ball rolling. Here are a few questions to get you started, whether youre on campus for a regular tour or Admit Day. Dont ask about average class size - its a slippery statistic that averages gargantuan lectures with tiny senior seminars. Ask your tour guide about the size of his freshman year classes.Is this a commuter college or do students hang around on the weekend? What did your tour guide do last weekend? And the weekend before that? How often do he and his friends go home?Whats the best class or most inspiring professor your tour guide ever had? Why? How well does he know his professors, and how did that happen?Whats the most impossible class to get into on campus? Why? Is it because the class and the professor are so darn wonderful, or because its difficult to get the classes your child will need? Does that vary by major?Who helps your child choose classes? Does he have the same faculty adviser for all four years? Or does a peer adviser - a sophomore or junior, for example - help him register the first time and then hes on his own?What are the general education requirements - the GEs requir ed for graduation? For some reason, tour guides think GEs are the same on every campus. They are most emphatically not. Some schools require five humanities, five lab science, and three math classes, beginning with calculus. Others require one of each, plus a world religions class. The differences can be a deal breaker for your child. Why did your tour guide pick this school? What other schools did he consider? What does he wish hed known then that he knows now?What are the biggest campus traditions? Does everyone go to the football or basketball games?What percentage of students go Greek? Are the fraternities and sororities residential or social only? When is rush and what’s it like?How difficult is it to find housing? On some campuses, frats and sororities are a big deal because its so difficult to get into the dorms. Did your tour guide live in a dorm freshman year? Which one? Which one does he like best?What was the most difficult thing to get used to here? (A University of Puget Sound guide admitted it was the grey, drizzly weather, then rallied valiantly to say, â€Å"But it makes the sunny days seem all the sunnier!† Weather is a huge issue for many students.)Where does your tour guide study - in his room, the library, another favorite spot? How many hours a day does he study?Whats the favored campus hangout? How about off-campus (best pizza, coffee house, etc.)? If your child has health issues, youll want to ask questions about those concerns, of course. But everyone needs to ask what happens if a student has appendicitis or another health emergency - is there a hospital on campus or does campus security take you to a nearby hospital?Ask about academic support. Every campus has facilities to help students with learning disabilities, but most have tutoring help for anyone who needs it. What form does that take? Peer tutors or faculty support? Math and writing learning centers staffed 24/7? No matter how brilliant your child was in high school, he may be unhappily surprised by the higher expectations of college professors.Ask about the college career center and internship opportunities – and don’t be fooled by â€Å"the college encourages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  answers. Internships are an essential, often overlooked way to test drive career paths and start building a resume long before graduation. Some schools have extensive internship o pportunities. Some even require a certain number of internship hours. Others post opportunities in their career center but dont particularly solicit them. Ask about study abroad opportunities too. Nearly every college has some sort of international study program, but some majors are not conducive to study abroad - not if you want your child to graduate in four years, anyway. Some schools run their own satellite campus in a foreign country, so your child would be studying with University of Redlands faculty, for example, in Salzburg. Others tap into foreign university programs. (Do not be impressed by promises that a year abroad will cost no more than a regular year at your expensive private school or that the college will apply your scholarship to those months. All private colleges say that. State schools simply charge you whatever the international program charges. Hint: its not $45,000.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Tell Tale Heart

Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged today as one of the most brilliant and original writers in American literature. His skillfully wrought tales and poems convey with passionate intensity the mysterious, dreamlike, and often macabre forces that pervaded his sensibility. He is also considered the father of the modern detective story. The Tell Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator remains nameless and sexless in the story. H/she takes care of an old man with whom the relationship is unclear. At the beginning of the story, the narrator says that he loved the old man but he hates his eye and h/she believes that the eye is evil. H/she confesses that the one and only reason for killing the old man is his eye: â€Å"Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees – I made up my mind to take the life of the old man†. The narrator begins the story by trying to convince the reader that h/she is not insane. The fact that the old man’s eye is the only motivation to murder proves the narrator is mentally unstable. For seven nights precisely at midnight, the narrator enters the old man’s room to observe the eye. On the eighth night the narrator enters the room and the old man sat suddenly in his bed, crying out â€Å"who’s there?† the narrator stood still for over an hour, as did the old man who did not lie back down. Then h/she opened the lantern slightly and the ray was on the eye only. This made the narrator go furious and he moved to the old man who shrieked once, he/she dragged him off his bed and killed him. The old man’s body was chopped and buried under the planks of the floor. The police came because of a shriek reported by a neighbor. H/she invited them and they sat chatting, after a while the narrator started hearing the old man’s heart beating from under the flooring. The heart beat grew louder and louder, finally h/she confesses of killing the old man. At the beginning of the story t... Free Essays on The Tell Tale Heart Free Essays on The Tell Tale Heart Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged today as one of the most brilliant and original writers in American literature. His skillfully wrought tales and poems convey with passionate intensity the mysterious, dreamlike, and often macabre forces that pervaded his sensibility. He is also considered the father of the modern detective story. The Tell Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator remains nameless and sexless in the story. H/she takes care of an old man with whom the relationship is unclear. At the beginning of the story, the narrator says that he loved the old man but he hates his eye and h/she believes that the eye is evil. H/she confesses that the one and only reason for killing the old man is his eye: â€Å"Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees – I made up my mind to take the life of the old man†. The narrator begins the story by trying to convince the reader that h/she is not insane. The fact that the old man’s eye is the only motivation to murder proves the narrator is mentally unstable. For seven nights precisely at midnight, the narrator enters the old man’s room to observe the eye. On the eighth night the narrator enters the room and the old man sat suddenly in his bed, crying out â€Å"who’s there?† the narrator stood still for over an hour, as did the old man who did not lie back down. Then h/she opened the lantern slightly and the ray was on the eye only. This made the narrator go furious and he moved to the old man who shrieked once, he/she dragged him off his bed and killed him. The old man’s body was chopped and buried under the planks of the floor. The police came because of a shriek reported by a neighbor. H/she invited them and they sat chatting, after a while the narrator started hearing the old man’s heart beating from under the flooring. The heart beat grew louder and louder, finally h/she confesses of killing the old man. At the beginning of the story t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Congressional Checks On Presidential Authority - Smart Custom Writing Samples

Congressional Checks On Presidential Authority - Smart Custom Writing Letter From The Future YouDear Mark the Past, The people around me and the fans have consistently asked me on how I have managed to be so successful in being an author. Today’s Mark is the celebrity of the day when it comes to writing. I am now very different from the Mark you were since I have managed to publish various books and series in the last twenty years. Lately, a fan, that is, our fan asked me the key reasons for our success. I have reflected on this for some time and I have found it vital to analyze success from the time I first wrote ‘The Phoenix Factor’. Well, for all that effort, it got very little attention both in the media and in the readers. That, however, did not serve to break my dreams as an author. After a deep self-assessment, I have identified various reasons that kept me going. When I wrote ‘The Phoenix Factor’, the legend in the fiction book, Long John Carraghan, was a character that I now feel was not clearly brought out. Back then, I felt that it was my best effort and that it would be a bestseller. It never did. That strong faith, the urge to better the unbreakable endurance and myself are just some of the key factors that kept me going. The Review, a Massachusetts journal, commented that I was emotionally detached not only from this leading character but also from other key figures. I decided that I had to fight rather than quit. I resolved to write on issues that I deeply cared about. That, I believe, as an author, was my first lesson in the world of writing. Lesson two was all about taking risks. The Mark Doughty known today is for his slightly larger than life characters in the fiction series ‘The Lighthouse’. It is funny how the idea all began. Old Mark, do you still remember it? Sue, this lady I have proclaimed my love for and spent my life with since the 70’s, and I, were exiting from the cinema where the Second Chance series was screening at the height of its fame. At that time, I had almost a non-existent fan-base. At the exit, a young high school kid with a girl at his elbow roughly pushed me aside. Instantly, my temper flared and I demanded an apology from the lad. Before the kid apologized, the girl was excitedly bubbling on how she loved The Phoenix and whether there would be a follow-up on it. I was dumb-founded and mumbled about expecting a lot more to come. Needless to say, I hurriedly left, Sue in hand. All night long, I thought about it and I could not help but think that I had to take a leap of faith a nd start on my new series. Well Mark, you know that was the onset of the success story. You took the risk and you in turn became me. I cannot ignore the fact that J.K. Rowling spent 5 years planning the entire Harry Potter series before putting pen on paper in order to write this famous series. Planning, Mark, was something you never ignored. You did not spend five years but rather three, but that was in the spirit of The Lighthouse. When you finally wrote it down, the ideas were so fluent and the image so clear that success was almost guaranteed. Planning was something you instilled in me and is a weapon that I have learnt to use in the upcoming series ‘The Love Nest’, a series I intend to finally turn into a movie. I do not plan to end the success story any time soon; you worked too hard for this old Mark: The long nights sketching and visualizing on the Series. There was minimal success to show for it at all and it almost broke our marriage. Planning, old Mark was the key. Those early sacrifices are what turned you into me. Finally, I cannot afford to ignore the virtues of hard work and persistence. My experiences have taught me as much. Key role models such as Joyce Carol Oates who said, â€Å"I would write, even when her soul felt as thin as a playing card† have taught me that determination and pure persistence have been vital in shaping me as a celebrity and a success legend. I have had my manuscripts rejected repeatedly, work that I wrote down in over a year, but I never said enough was enough until success came my way. Mark, we made it; let us live the dream! Yours sincerely,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Four Points Kingston Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Four Points Kingston - Case Study Example The objective of the Four Point Kingston is that to provide the proper response and service to the people or the customers who comes there and to provide them rooms with a nominal and a reasonable tariff compared to the other resorts or the hotels. Apart from that they also provide the people with a good equipment room and lot of relaxation games and the activities that are present there. Also to give the customers a happy and a long lasting memory full of happiness about the stay in the resort. Four Point Kingston is providing a lot of features to the customer but it also have some other problems and issues they are nothing but the problems due to the competitions and the future planning. This has to be taken into account and should be dealt in an expertise manner in order to avoid the bitter results because the competitive places are also the reputed ones and they do provide a good customer service. The main problem is that the competitive places have a fully equipped sight seeing place that is from the place the Kingston harbor is visible and is able to provide the customers a nice sight seeing place in the same way four point also provides the sight seeing of a lake which tallies the other. Apart from this pro Apart from this problem Four Point also suffers some other problem which is the vacancy of the rooms. Most of the customers who arrive to Kingston come mainly to be relaxed and to get some pleasure. So most of the rooms get booked only in the season timing and mostly they are all peak at that time. But at the other timings most of the rooms are left just like that this is the other problem faced by the Kingston group. SHORT TERM & LONG TERM The Four Point Kingston is a nice place for the tourists to stay and enjoy having pleasure but also certain things has to get enhanced because there are certain places that has been developed in a greater extent to attract more number of people. So it has to concentrate on the profits and the enhanced services that have to be provided in the mere future. RECOMMENDATION Lot of recommendations can be given for the development in the short term the main thing that has to be increased is the revenues to the concern or in other words the profitability to the four points. This can be achieved by allotting the vaccant rooms to a least benefit by giving certain concessions and at the same time through some simple enhanced services instead of the costly ones. Like instead of giving coffee machines can provide coffee to the persons directly twice a day or else providing some decent but cheaper drinks. So the vacant rooms also will be occupied and at the same time the lesser cost will be tallied using this system. Also making the conference halls well equipped. But

Business- Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Quiz Essay

Business- Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Quiz - Essay Example offices. The four were catching up on their electronic mail. The four soon discovered each others presence on electronic mail. One commissioner wrote to the other three, â€Å"Lets get some business done so long as were all here. We could resolve that unfair competition case thats pending for next month. We can iron out our differences via e-mail.†Ã‚   The electronic exchanges of the commissioners would: (Points: 8) 5.  TCO C: Susan Sandren purchased a toaster from Standard Electric. While using the toaster the day after it was purchased, Susan discovered that the toaster slots were too small for a thick piece of bread. The bread was stuck in the slot. With the toaster still plugged in, Susan used a knife to pry loose the toast and was electrocuted.   In a suit by her family against Standard Electric: (Points: 8) Tort defense includes Volenti not fit injuria, which means there was no intensions to cause harm and the injured took a risk of being injured. For example, if a person goes to a hockey game and they get hit by puck, they are taking the risk of getting hit, which is not the fault of the hockey player. Illegality is where the injured is in the wrong doing while being the defendant’s property. In a case, a thief jumps out of a building to avoid being arrested, the property owner cannot be held liable. 7.  TCO C: Will Chancit, a 36-year-old attorney, was killed when his Ford Fairlane collided with some metal fence on the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles.   He was traveling at a speed between 50 and 70 mph.   After the collision, the car spun and the driver’s door flew open.   Chancit was ejected from the car and sustained fatal head injuries.   Had the door stayed closed, his injuries would have been relatively minor.   Chancit was not wearing his seat belt.   Discuss the negligence theory for recovery in the suit Chancit’s widow has brought against Ford Motor Company, the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 12 - Essay Example Associating nicely with my colleagues enabled me to get the positive remarks from them during instances when the organization was conducting some performance appraisals in order to measure the efficiency of their work force. My trick in winning over my fellow workers was to initiate positive communication with them, always on the lookout for their interests, ensuring that I did not breach them, as long as their interests was not against the operations of the organization. This made me popular with my colleagues, and because of this, they helped me in instances when my work load was heavy. The only thing that I could change about my internship experience is the discriminative tendencies in which the organization uses in selecting the employees to train. The organization uses the results it obtains from its performance appraisal measures to select the employees in question. In my own opinion, the organization needs to train all of its employees on the new technological skills they should have for purposes of efficiently conducting their duties Berger, 15). The organization should have a timeline that identifies who should be trained at a certain period, and how it the organization should conduct the train. By doing this, all employees would benefit, and this would result to efficiency in their work performance (Berger, 27). Finally, in my work experience, the issue that I could change is manner in which I controlled my time. Though I used to complete my work at the right time, the problem emanated at the time in which I was supposed to carry out my work. The problem is that I used to take almost an hour, before I began working on my work, and this made me constrain a lot, with the purpose of accomplishing the work before the deadline. The reason to this one hour delay was the time I was taking to collect the materials, and solve certain issues with my colleagues. The thing that I would like to do differently is

Literacy and ESOL Theories and Frameworks Essay - 1

Literacy and ESOL Theories and Frameworks - Essay Example those delivered by literacy and numeracy curricula, which following advancement of technology have extended from being preserved in the classroom setting to being part of everyday discourse. Literacy and numeracy have been attributed to practical application of knowledge and skills for tasks that are undertaken everyday and for effective participation in places of work and in civic life, though their destinations are not clear. ESOL therefore is mainly delivered to adults studying in adult communities, in order to improve their written reading and spoken English skills. ESOL, numeracy and literacy share a number of established features, which include methods and tools for assessment of skills standards and subjects, and a national assessment system. This assessment is important and provides an access to other subjects in the curriculum, as well as providing a wide social context participation. Criticisms are focused on the narrow scope in terms of its methods of testing and curriculu m. Therefore, like in any language, there are four basic skills in ESOL, which are classified into two, productive and receptive skills. Reading is a receptive skill and will be discussed in relation to ESOL (Spratt et al 2006). According to Davies, and Pearse (2000), any teaching process involves understanding how the students learn, and from the cognitive to the behaviorist view, it can be generalized that teaching provides students with a chance of connecting with the teacher’s content, a way through which the teacher gets to know the conceptions and what the students have learned through tests. The teacher is able to support the understanding of the students also using various concepts such as using charts to make the knowledge structure clear and can use other learning strategies that are cooperative to improve the social aspect. Teaching can also incorporate learning that is based on problems to familiarize the learning environment to the real world. An ESOL lesson therefore

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Motivation Calculus Theory by Charles Handy Essay

Motivation Calculus Theory by Charles Handy - Essay Example The Charles Handy idea of organization culture fits in into the Quinn Competing Value Framework theory of 1988 developed to conduct a research for indicators of effective organization which has two variants, that of management and leadership. Quinn came up with comprehensive list of indicators that influence company success focusing dimensions with the first one relating external vs. external and the second was flexibility vs. control. The two dimensions created a quadrant grid with each quadrant representing one of the four major organization model of management i.e. human relation model, open system model, internal process model, and rational goal mode (Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 2009). In the Competing Value Framework, the four models examine how effective management plays all the roles and simultaneously balance with the competing demands of other sets of expectation. Therefore, the two perspectives have a common goal of ensuring cohesion between organization stakeholders to realize a su ccess in the organization objective.Charles Handy organizational culture is discussed under the four categories of culture and depicts a correlation in objective to the Quinn Competing Value Framework expounded in the four models. Handy’s power model of culture assumes that organization power of an organization power remains in a few individuals within the organization and they have authority to decision making. ... Such people delegate duties and responsibilities to their subordinate who have limited or no option other than to strictly adore their superiors’ instructions. In such a culture, employees have restricted liberty to share their ideas or views on open forums and can follow instruction given to them (Amos & al, 2009). Similarly, the other hand, Quinn in his human relation model view managers as the source of authority and should ensure control and cohesion of the subordinates managing interpersonal conflicts. However, Quinn assumes the manager as a facilitator should encourage teamwork cooperating human resource and mentoring in approachable manner, taking them not as isolated individuals but engage them in the development of workforce through training, care, and empathy. The two theorists have an agreement in sense that, for success of an organization, there have to be a central source of authority to manage the human resource and the activities to achieve objectives. When Quin n in his Open System model view people should not be controlled but inspired, likewise Charles Handy in Task Culture agree people in an organization can deliberately work as a team with common interest to achieve their target. Open System Model take note on those organizations are established by people and exists in an environment in which it have to adapt to changes. The people forming the human resource should be responsible and read to grow in their different field to facilitate effectiveness in their work (Black, 2003). Quinn also asserts that the organization will depend on external support to acquire necessary resources for production. These processes lead to

Principles of Justice Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Justice Theories - Essay Example He was against such tests and preferences that were placed on people in the society as it encouraged conflict in the society (Amartya, 2009). There was a need to have a fair choice of situation for those who had been affected by matters related to justice so that they could all feel that they were all equal before the law. It was evident that the rich had a fair hand when it came to handling justice activities and would be left to go free while the poor were frustrated even in the case where it was evident that the mistake had been committed by the rich. These are some of the aspects that pushed Rawl to fight against such behavior. Freedom of speech had been denied to the poor and they did not have a right to talk before the justice panels making them suffer for the mistakes they did not commit. It is the amount of money that had been paid by an individual that determined whether he would be set free or not. Principles of Justice Theories Rawls was a member of the social contract tra dition and it is from this membership that he was able to come up with the principles of justice. He developed an artificial device for his theories known as the original position in which they were to come up with the principles from an ignorant point of view. ... He saw that by being able to ignore these details, it would result in fairness for all. First Principle of Justice In the first principle, Liberty is the key factor for all those who were affected by the process of justice in the society. Liberty was expected to be an equal right for all and had to be compatible so that it could be extended to others. This can be attributed to the rights that an individual cannot be denied while in his own country. He should be allowed to have political liberty where he is free to vote the politician of his choice and allow them to run the office. Freedom of assembly and speech should be granted where they can meet with their colleagues and exchange ideas that will bring about development. They should be allowed to give their views about issues affecting their government without the fear of arrest or torture. Freedom to own property is another aspect of this principle. Private property should be respected by the public and individuals should be allow ed to immerse as much wealth as they can, provided it is legal. Arbitrary arrest should not be encouraged among people. Before arresting one, explain to him his mistakes so that he can contact his lawyers. This enables them to prepare for the case in advance in order to avoid the unfair judgment. This is one principle that cannot be violated for the sake of the second principle. It is possible for some of the liberties to conflict hence the need to merge them in order for them to be able to obtain a clear system of their rights. The Second Principle of Justice It insists on the need for people to be provided with social and economic equalities so that they can be of advantage to the less advantaged in the society.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Motivation Calculus Theory by Charles Handy Essay

Motivation Calculus Theory by Charles Handy - Essay Example The Charles Handy idea of organization culture fits in into the Quinn Competing Value Framework theory of 1988 developed to conduct a research for indicators of effective organization which has two variants, that of management and leadership. Quinn came up with comprehensive list of indicators that influence company success focusing dimensions with the first one relating external vs. external and the second was flexibility vs. control. The two dimensions created a quadrant grid with each quadrant representing one of the four major organization model of management i.e. human relation model, open system model, internal process model, and rational goal mode (Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 2009). In the Competing Value Framework, the four models examine how effective management plays all the roles and simultaneously balance with the competing demands of other sets of expectation. Therefore, the two perspectives have a common goal of ensuring cohesion between organization stakeholders to realize a su ccess in the organization objective.Charles Handy organizational culture is discussed under the four categories of culture and depicts a correlation in objective to the Quinn Competing Value Framework expounded in the four models. Handy’s power model of culture assumes that organization power of an organization power remains in a few individuals within the organization and they have authority to decision making. ... Such people delegate duties and responsibilities to their subordinate who have limited or no option other than to strictly adore their superiors’ instructions. In such a culture, employees have restricted liberty to share their ideas or views on open forums and can follow instruction given to them (Amos & al, 2009). Similarly, the other hand, Quinn in his human relation model view managers as the source of authority and should ensure control and cohesion of the subordinates managing interpersonal conflicts. However, Quinn assumes the manager as a facilitator should encourage teamwork cooperating human resource and mentoring in approachable manner, taking them not as isolated individuals but engage them in the development of workforce through training, care, and empathy. The two theorists have an agreement in sense that, for success of an organization, there have to be a central source of authority to manage the human resource and the activities to achieve objectives. When Quin n in his Open System model view people should not be controlled but inspired, likewise Charles Handy in Task Culture agree people in an organization can deliberately work as a team with common interest to achieve their target. Open System Model take note on those organizations are established by people and exists in an environment in which it have to adapt to changes. The people forming the human resource should be responsible and read to grow in their different field to facilitate effectiveness in their work (Black, 2003). Quinn also asserts that the organization will depend on external support to acquire necessary resources for production. These processes lead to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why do people smile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why do people smile - Essay Example Many scientists believe that one of the reasons why people use facial expressions such as smiling is simply to show to other people how they feel and what they feel. It is also believed that facial expressions are understood in the same manner all around the world as Max Eastman said â€Å"a Smile is the Universal Welcome.† The inner state of emotions is manifests through the facial expression. Someone is believed to be showing his calmness through smiling; having a friendly attitude towards others, and others could be distinguished through different kinds and types of smiles as one of the unknown authors quote â€Å"Everyone smiles in the same language.†. A smile is a facial expression that shows the upward contours at the ends of the mouth. There are times wherein the sparkle of the eyes expresses the smile and not the mouth. However, smile communicates a thousand words. Most of the time, smiles indicates happy signs such as joy, happiness, and love. However, there ar e kinds of a smile that show involuntary expression of anxiety known to be the grimace, or even serve as an expression of embarrassment in a shamefaced sort of way. Smile is rooted within our primate nature that depicts positive response to social relationships. It is considered to be a universal positive sign of social relationship. Smile is a positive tool to convey other people of different races and culture about their feelings and nature. History of Smiles Most of the time, happiness is always associated with smile, but to consider, there are still many types of smile that does not necessarily have that connotation like sneer, snarl, smirk etc. Different expressions in relation to smile were considered in tracing and studies with the history of smiling. Huge data have been gathered from art, history, and biology to unveil the nuances about the human smile after which some interesting facts were revealed. For example, there are beliefs that the supreme enlightenment is reflected In the holy smile of Buddha. On the other hand, open mouth smiling in the Victorians was obscene. In the behavioral and psychological aspects, it was explored how and when in infancy smiling considered to be an act of communication. In art history, the famous smile of Mona Lisa as well as the sculptured heads of Ming dynasty was studied in relation to smiling. Types and Reasons to Smile Thirty million years of human evolution produced different types of smiles that anybody can currently wear for all accessions and different situations. 1. Sweet Smile – This is the type of smile that can melt a heart, hard to resist like in just one look, you know you are done for it. â€Å"I have been hijacked several times over this smile.† This smile is manifested in all ages with pure intention of recapturing the true picture of a contented life. 2. I am in Love Smile – this type of smile is unmistakable from the rest of the smile. This smile exudes the energy of having a pu re love and bliss. This type of smile does not necessarily need to be romantic smile and can also be applicable to one’s favorite pets. This is usually manifested to young adults and adults or in the mature people. 3. Most Beautiful Smile – This type of smile is the one considered to be the breathtaking smile. This is the smile that could skip a person’s heartbeat. Once encountering this type of smile, one can be mesmerize and would forget the world for a while. This is usually seen to young adults as a part of their growing up in their transformation to the adulthood. 4. Happy Smile- In this type of smile, one can see the reflection of a happy and a joyful heart. This is the smile that radiates pure happiness and most often manifested in children. 5. Thoughtful Smile –

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social Psychology Essay Example for Free

Social Psychology Essay Now imagine that you are a social psychologist, for this assignment you must use social concepts learned in this chapter to explain some of the strange, terrible, and outrageous things that people do to each other. Read the following stories and respond to the questions with complete sentences that are free of spelling and grammatical errors. All of the following are based on a real-life story reported in the press!!!! CAN YOU MAKE FAT DISAPPEAR?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Adapted from: Newsweek, March 2, 1992, p. 69)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The cosmetic companies made an estimated $50 million by selling anticellulite creams to women. However, research by respected dermatologists show that anticellulite creams are totally worthless in eliminating cellulite, which is really little pockets of fat. With these negative findings in mind, how does the cosmetics industry persuade American women to spend $50 million a year on anticellulite creams that dermatologists claim are worthless? The cosmetics companies use very clever advertising. They show photos of beautiful women along with promises that anticellulite creams will wash away unsightly ripples, create a new you, and give you the beautiful body you always wanted. Question1: What are the four elements of persuasion? Identify the four elements using the above scenario.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Persuasion, to be effective, has to possess the four elements namely: meaningful, relevant, challenging and actionable. â€Å"Anticellulite creams†, the product introduced in the market is in itself very meaningful to women in order to stay attractive. It is relevant to the need and current trend, which is reducing fats that could affect the attractiveness of a woman. Its introduction in the market is likewise, challenging because its effectiveness is being challenged by some respected dermatologists that made it increase its publicity even more. Lastly, it is actionable because the way its being advertised has hit the weakness of the target market, women, with the use of â€Å"photos of beautiful women along with promises that anticellulite creams will wash away unsightly ripples, create a new you, and give you the beautiful body you always wanted†, a truly perfect way to catch womens attention. Question 2: Why do women continue to buy anticellulite creams when scientists have demonstrated that these creams are worthless?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite the claims that â€Å"anticellulite† creams are worthless, they continue to attract women because the way they are being introduced in the market is very persuasive. It possessed the four major elements of persuasion. Moreover, customers are after for the concrete result. Research findings that are often expressed in figures or mere words do not create as much impact as a photo of a beautiful woman, whose face became younger and more attractive after using the product. Customers esily link the beautiful face with the product, thus making it easier to sell. CAN A LABEL FOOL A BEER DRINKER?   Ã‚  Ã‚   (Adapted from: Los Angeles Times, Dec. 30, 1988, p. IV-4)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Last summer, the Coors brewery added only two new words Original Draft to the labels of its best-selling beer. Regular Coors drinkers saw the new label and believed it was a new beer. They complained about the new taste and said they preferred the taste of their old Coors. Suddenly, sales slowed as drinkers refused to buy cans of beer with the two new words. But, Coors had not changed the beer. They had only changed two words on the label. However, the Coors brewery was not about to argue with its loyal customers. Coors removed the two new words from the label. Within weeks, sales rose and the drinkers were happy. Question 1: Can you define one component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One component of attitude is cognition which refers to our beliefs, theories, expectancies, cause and effect beliefs, and perceptions relative to the focal object. In the scenario presented above, the focal object was a beer with two new words on the label. Since there was something new on the label, the beer drinkers have automatically expected something new on the product itself, which they claimed to have a different taste than the original. The two new words added on the label have influenced them to believe that there was a change in the formulation or ingredient, causing the perceived change in taste, even   if none was really altered from the original fomulation. Question 2: Can you define a second component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A second component of attitude that can be found in this example is behavioral intentions, which refers to our goals, aspirations, and our expected responses to the attitude object. The beer drinkers in this example definitely wanted the original label, thus affecting the sales of Coors. Instead of arguing with their loyal customers, Coors resumed to its original label and the response was good because sales started to rise again.   Question 3: Can you define a third component of attitudes and illustrate it with an example from the beer drinkers?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A third component of attitude, which i have also seen in the example presented above is Evaluation. This is said to be the function of cognitive, affect and behavioral intentions of the object. The beer drinkers believed that the beer with a new two words in the label is different from the original best-selling beer of Coors. This belief caused them to describe its taste as different from the original. As a result, sales went down but when the label was restored to the original, even if none was changed in the formualtion, sales rose and the customers became happy again. GIRL RAPED AND CROWDS LOOKS ON?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Adapted from: San Diego Tribune, July 29, 1983)       After spending the whole day visiting the zoo, 13-year-old Diane decided to cool off in the large pool with a water fountain in the middle. She rolled up her baggy jeans and waded in up to her knees. She wasnt paying much attention to the two older boys who had waded in and were approaching her. When they got close, they grabbed her and pulled her to the middle of the pool. They held her down against the concrete base of the fountain. As the fountain sprayed them with water, the two boys took turns raping Diane. About 35 people who were walking around the fountain heard Dianes screams for help. Not one of them offered to help. Question 1: Can you explain the concept that describes why none of the 35 people did anything to help Diane?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The sad experience of Diane is attributable to what we call in social pschology as the â€Å"bystander effect†. When there is an emergency, the more bystanders there are, the less likely it is that any of them will acually help. The 35 people, though they heard the screams of Diane, did not actually offer help because they assumed that nothing was wrong because nobody else looks concerned. Question 2: Can you explain how the diffusion of responsibility theory describes why 35 people who heard Dianes screams did nothing to help?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bystanders go through a five-step process and during each of which, they can decide to do nothing. Firstly, they were probably in a hurry to notice the event, thus are unable to help. If they did notice, they assumed that as others are not acting, it is not an emergency, so again no help was offered. Next, they assumed that others will do this, since there are many people around, so no help was offered. Sometimes, bystanders simply do not know what to do out of panicky thus, unable to help lastly, instead of acting on it and help, some worry about the danger and hassle of being involved, thus they pretend to have not known anything about it or pretend that nothing was wrong.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Factors Affecting Buildability of Building Designs

Factors Affecting Buildability of Building Designs Buildability is increasingly become a major requirement in building construction practice. The aim of buildability is use to improve the efficiency of overall building process by developing construction sensitive designs. Nowadays, in Malaysia construction industry, there have facing a lot of problem that will impede the project to process smoothly. In this research, it will highlight what buildability is. Through this we can deeply understand what buildability is and how important it was in the construction industry. Moreover, in this research, we wish to find out and identify the buildability attributes in building design in Malaysia construction industry. There are many buildability attributes have affecting in the building design. If the constructions proceed without a good buildability management, it will bring many problems to the project. So in this research, besides that identifying the buildability attributes, we also wish to find out the importance level for each of these attributes. AIM This report are aim to find out the factors that affect buildability of building design in the Malaysian construction industry. OBJECTIVE In order to achieve the aim of the report, the following are the objectives of this research To study what is buildability and factors may affect it in building design To find out and identify the buildability attributes in building design in the Malaysian construction industry To measure the level of importance of different buildability attributes Research Methodology Literature Review The purpose of the literature review is given us to understanding what buildability in the construction industry is and how important it was. This research methodology may include definitions, ideas and practices of related topics. Besides that, we can study and review to the relevant books, journals, internet and etc., as known as secondary data, that related to the topic buildability. Through those review sources, the important point will be noted down and convenience for us to writing the literature review. The below are showing that the literature search that will be carried out:- Define the definition of buildability/ constructability Define the principle and concept of buildability/ constructability Determine the factor affecting buildability in building design in construction Determine the building attributes and the level of importance for each attribute Questionnaire Questionnaire is recommended as one of the research method, because it is easier for analyzing the data, economical and the hypothesis can be tested. Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and/or in difference grouping for the purpose of gathering the information from respondents. To gain more information of this research, copies of questionnaire will be sent out to the construction companies and they are needed to express their opinions based on their experience. In this questionnaire, there are empty spaces provide for the respondents to giving their comment or suggest other building attributes which are not included. This questionnaire will target to the professionals such as architect, engineer, project manager, quantity surveyor and others in the contractor industry firm in Malaysia. From the research title, to determine the level of importance of buildability attributes in this research, the classification of the rating scales is used. The questionnaire is based on LIKERT SCALE format. It is a widely used instrument in measuring opinions. A likert item is simply a statement which the respondent is asked to evaluate according to any kind of subjective or objective criteria and generally the level of agreement or disagreement is measured. 5 point likert scale being used as it may produce slightly higher mean scores relative to the highest attainable score. This will be carried out in the final stage of research methodology. The results/ comments get from the respondents will be analyze and present in table or graph in order to provide a clearer view of overall research with writing up the contents of the dissertation. Besides this, analysis and interpretation would be done to gather all the information and data. DISSERTATION ORGANIZATION Chapter 1- Introduction Chapter 1 provides an introduction of the chapter that giving a brief about our proposal. In this chapter it includes introduction/ background, problem statement, aim, objectives, research methodology and working program for the dissertation. Chapter 2 Literature Review Through the review of literature/ articles related to our research topic the important point will be written in this chapter. Journals, books and information from the internet will be the source of the information or data to doing this buildability title dissertation. This chapter are aim to provide a main picture of the knowledge to us before the research is carried out. Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology Questionnaire will be designed based on the objective and information that we want to find out. These questionnaires will be sent to different construction industry companies in Malaysia to collect data to conduct next step of dissertation. Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results Discussions The collected information from the respondents will be evaluated and analyzed in table or graph with explanation. Chapter 5 Conclusions This chapter will conclude and recommend the overall results of the survey for further research. REFERENCES Crowther,.P. Design For Buildability and The Deconstruction Consequences, Design for Deconstruction and Materials Reuse, CIB Publication 272. Lam, P.T.I., Wong, F.K.W., Wong, F.W.H. 2007. Building features and site-specific factors affecting buildability in Hong Kong, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Vol 5, No 2. Mydin S.H., Zin R.M., Majid M.Z.A, Zahidi M. and Memon A.H. 2011. Buildability Attributes at Design Phase In Malaysian Building Construction, International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 1. Wong, F.W.H, Lam, P.T.I, Chan, E.H.W. and Wong F.K.W. 2006. Factors Affecting Buildability of Building Design, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33.7, pg 79 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION Buildability or constructability has a huge area of study and it was very important in a construction industry. The aim of these literature reviews are to study and highlight the area that the buildability attributes that may affect the building design in Malaysia construction industry. The first reviews that will focus in this chapter are definition of buildability, then coming up with the principles and concepts of buildability which have defined by different countries. Moreover, this review also focuses on the factors that may affect the buildability by identify the buildability attributes in building design. BUILDABILITY/CONSTRUCTABILITY DEFINITION OF BUILDABILITY Since the buildability is important in the construction industry, so there are many researchers from different countries has identified and defined buildability based on their studies. Based on the several articles study and resources, it found that the one of the widely definition that can be accepted which is define by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), 1983, it stated that the buildability is the extent to which the design of a building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building (Wong, Lam, Chan and Wong, 2006B.p. 796). Besides the definition defined by CIRIA, there also have another definition which was founded with specific aim of improving the construction total quality management and the overall cost effectiveness and defined as constructability is the effective and timely integration of construction knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, construction and field operation of a project to achieve the overall project objectives in the best possible time and accuracy at the most cost-effective level by Construction Industry Institute (as known as CII) in year 1986 (Wong,, 2006B.p. 796). According to The Construction Industry in Australia (CIIA), Griffith and Sidwell (1997), has defined constructability as a system to integrate if construction knowledge in the project delivery process and balancing the various project and environmental constraints to achieve the project goals and building performance at the optimal level.(Wong,, 2006B.p. 796) Buildability Performance Research Group (BPRG), Chen and McGeorge (1994), defined buildability as the extent to which decisions, made during the whole building procurement process, ultimately facilitate the ease of construction and the quality of the completed project which buildability as a management to goals the project by recognize the factors affected the project (Eng, 2002.p. 117). In the other hand, there are other researchers have derived their own definitions based on their studying in buildability, such as:- Ferguson (1989); buildability was defined as the ability to construct a building efficiently economically and to agreed quality levels from its constituent materials, components and sub-assemblies (Wong,, 2006B.p. 796.) Williams (1982); buildability was defined as the most economic and efficient way of putting a building together.(Yang, 2004) Illingworth (1984); buildability was defined as a design and details which recognize the assembly process in achieving the desired result safety and at least cost to the client.(Yang, 2004) In year 1996, Moore has modified the definition defined by Illingworth as a design philosophy, which is recognizes and addresses the problems of the assembly process in achieving the construction of the design product, both safety and without resort to standardization or project level simplification.(Yang, 2004) Lueprasert (1996), constructability has defined as an important characteristic of structural design and site conditions of construction project which determines the level of complexity of executing the correlative structural assembly tasks.(Yang, 2004) Moreover, there are few researchers believed that constructability are significantly different with buildability. The differences between buildability and constructability are that buildability is a design-oriented concept but constructability is concern the whole project processing. But also have some researchers thought that there are no difference between buildability and constructability, the only is buildability is usually used in UK and constructability is often used in USA. (Yang, 2004) PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS OF BUILDABILITY According to Eng, (2002, p. 112), Buildability or Constructability has been used and evolved in the construction management in the late 1970s in United Kingdom, but its potential was not been fully exploited in construction industry at the time. Nowadays, buildability is increasingly become an integral part of the construction industry in many countries because it was a technique used to manage the construction process during the pre-construction stage. According to Low, (2008), buildability aim is to ensure the impacts of design details are recognized and considered in the earlier stage to reduce and/or prevent errors, delays and allows a cost control to the overall project others. Together with this, it will enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the industry. Moreover, Low study also stated the summarized of buildability principles that defined by some researchers such as Adams (1989), Ferguson (1989), Gray (1984), Griffith and Sidwell (1995), Tatum (1987) and other s as shown as below:- Efficiency and economical building production; to ensure efficient and economical production of a building, a logical organization of the sequence of assembly is necessary. The building organization must ensure continuity of construction work by having food management due to labors, machineries and materials delivery to achieve this principle (OConnor, 1985). Simplicity; this principles saying that the designers of the project must try to produce the simplest possible details compatible with the overall requirement for the building especially for the buildings group of elements (Ferguson, 1989; Bishop, 1985). Tolerance Level; the building design should recognize its tolerances which are normally attainable under site conditions. Different the materials and components used on site have its different composition and different jointing methods required. Therefore, practical level of tolerance adopted is necessary for the materials and components (Ferguson, 1989). Innovation; use any innovative ideas that can enhance the buildability of a project. The contractor should try to bring in new machineries or methods of working that can improve the productivity and allow construction process more efficiency. Before bring in the ideas, consideration of the level of skills available in industry is required. (Tatum, 1987). Proper scheduling; a good scheduling of works may allow construction proceed smoothly and right on track. The construction sequence should be practical to allow for a continuous flow of work to minimize delays of works (Gugel and Russell, 1994). Repetition and standardization; to reduce time consuming for constructions, the building elements should be design that encourages appropriate repetition and standardization, it may help to reduce cost, risk and error by using readily and standard items in construction (Adams, 1989; Ferguson, 1989). Participation and communication; project team members with relevant knowledge should be encourage to participate all level of construction. They can give their opinion and suggestion during early planning stage to reduce problem in future. Clear project information should be planned and coordinated to suit the construction process and facilitate the best possible communication and understanding on site (Fischer and Tatum, 1997). Avoid damage by subsequent works; the design should enable the works that carried out will not have risk of damage due to adjacent finished elements and with minimum requirements for special protection. This would reduce the need for return visits to site to repair damage. By doing few times checking to the completed works is better to reduce the project completion period (OConnor and Tucker, 1986). (Source: Low, 2008) McGeorge and Palmer (1997) have identified that buildability and constructability is the only management concept to have been designed and developed by the construction industry (Eng, 2002). This is because they think that the separation of designs and construction processes is unique to the construction industry. Eng also mentioned that the report in early 1960s, division between the process of design and construction was recognized as contributing to inefficiencies throughout the construction industry. (Eng, 2002).Emmerson (1962) has identified that insufficient documentation before tender, inefficient pre-contract design procedures and lacks of communication among the architects, consultants and contractors appointed are the factors that cause the problem occurred (Eng, 2002). Moreover, Banwell, (1964) suggested that the contractor who is too far from the design stage for his specialized knowledge can be participate in traditional contracting situation. (Eng, 2002.p. 111).In the o ther hand, Banwell report also highlighted that the complexities of modern construction and its requirement for specialized techniques demand that the design process and the construction stage should not be regarded as separate fields of activity. (Eng, 2002.p. 111) EVOLUTION OF BUILDABILITY/CONSTRUCTABILITY CONCEPT Through different groups of researchers, a number of stages in the evolution of the buildability or constructability concept are been identified and related to research efforts in different parts (Eng, 2002). According to Eng (2002) study, it shows the groups of researchers from different countries that have evaluated the evolution of buildability/constructability, which are: Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA); UK Construction Industry Institute (CII); USA Construction Industry Institute of Australia (CIIA) Building Performance Research Group (BPRG); University of Newcastle in Australia In the early research taken by CIRIA and UK researches, they regarded that buildability is problem that arose from the division between builders and designers; led researchers to focus on technical issue and site and construction planning (Gray, 1983; Adam, 1989; Ferguson, 1989). (Eng, 2002.p. 112) Besides that, Eng stated that most industry researchers and commentators are tended to see buildability as a function that is within the influence or control of the designer. Illingworth (1984) has suggested that the problem of buildability was become deteriorate because the designers and professional team are resented contractors involve and giving their opinions during the design stage.(Eng, 2002.p. 112) In addition, CII had used industry case studies to investigate the constructability problem in construction industry to allow the researchers to understanding the issues. This carried out the understanding of different stages of project life cycle which would relate to different issues in constructability (Eng, 2002). Furthermore, CIIA also used the case studies to enable a holistic perspective to be maintained. CIIA have proposed 12 principles would be relevant with different emphases due to the different project life cycle. For BPRG at University of Newcastle in Australia, they started with conceptualize the buildability problem as one that derived from a complex system and they proposed that the concepts of buildability is needed to recognize the factors in a project environment which may affected in the design process, construction process and the link between them (Eng, 2002). CIRIA RESEARCH IN BUILDABILITY The definition of buildability defined by CIRIA has shown at the above. Though that we know that CIRIA definition is focused between designs and construction; the factors has been implied which are solely within the influence or control of the design team those have a significant impact on the ease if construction of a project (Eng, 2002). The concept was recognized as an issue within an integrated design management context. A good buildability are formed based on a building design, structure or other which had been consider in the construction phase with emphasis on the method of construction, activities, sequence of works and way incorporated into the overall design (Eng, 2002). In additional, Eng study had showing the 16 guiding principles for achieving buildability which was identified and developed by Adams (1989), CIRIA, as below:- Investigate thoroughly Consider accessibility at the design stage Consider storage at design stage Design for early enclosure Design for minimum time below ground work Suitable materials use Consider for the local skill available Design for simple assembly Plan for maximize repetition and standardization Maximize the use of plant Allow for sensible tolerances Allow for a practical sequence of operations Plan to avoid change to work Avoid return visits on site; do it right in first time Safe construction design Clearly communication (Source: Adam, (Eng, 2002)) CONSTRUCTABILITY DEVELOPTMENT BY CII According to Eng (2002), has mentioned that CII used case studies to identify different of requirements for the planning stage (Tatum, 1986), engineering and procurement phases of a project (OConnor, 1986) and improvement of constructability that able to make during field operations (OConnor and Davis, 1988). In additional, they had identified and presented 6 concepts for the planning stage, 7 concepts for the design and procurement phase and 1 for field operations phase which showing below:- Conceptual Planning Stage Basic design approaches consider major construction methods Constructability programs are an integral part of project of project implementation plans Project planning requires construction knowledge and experience Early construction involvement in the development of contracting strategy Project schedules are construction sensitive Site layouts show efficient of construction Design and Procurement Stage Design for accessibility, materials and equipment Design for construction in adverse weather and remotes locations Design and procurement schedules are construction sensitive Design to enable efficient construction Design elements are standardize Construction and procurement efficiency are specifications developed Design for modularization to facilitate fabrication/transportation Field Operation Contractors use innovative methods (Source: Tatum; OConnor; OConnor and Davis; (Eng, 2002)) CONSTRUCTABILITY PRINCIPLES BY CIIA For CIIA, they have review to the work of CII, and some developed construction information within the Australian context (Eng, 2002). At the beginning, they are 17 principles are being identified and tested. In the other hand, more than twenty of the personnel who experienced in construction are given feedback due to this tested. Through the test, Constructability Principles File (CIIA, 1992) has shown 12 concepts of constructability to represent current best practice applicable over five projects life cycle stages, which are feasibility studies stage, conceptual design stage, details design stage, construction stage and post construction stage (Eng, 2002). The twelve principles espoused were:- PRINCIPLESÂ  DESCRIPTION Integration Constructability must be made an integral part of project plan. Construction Knowledge Project planning must actively involve construction knowledge and experience. Team Skills Project team must be appropriate for the project based on their experience, skills and etc. Corporate Objectives Project team understanding against clients corporate and project objective to improve constructability. Available Resources Technology use in design solution must be matched with the skills and resources available. External factors External factors might affect the cost and program of the project. Program of project Overall project program must be realistic and have the commitment of the project team. Construction Methodology Construction methodology must be considered in project design. Accessibility Constructability will be improved if accessibility is considered good in the design stage of project. Specifications Constructability improved when efficiency considered in specification development. Construction innovation Constructability improved when innovation techniques is used Feedback Post construction analysis is undertaken to allow constructability can be enhanced on future projects Table Principles by CIIA (Francis and Sidwell (Eng, 2002)) CONSTRUCTABILITY CONCEPTS BY MALAYSIAN RESEARCHER According to Nawi, Kamar, Lee, Hamid, Abdullah, Haron and Ariff (2009), stated that in Malaysia, the constructability and buildability concepts established by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and other relevant literature by CIRIA, (1983); Tatum, (1987); Adams, (1989); CII, (1993) and etc, there are 23 constructability concepts were formulated and presented by Nima, (2001) which use them to utilize a study in relation to the engineered construction phases. There are 7 concepts for conceptual planning phase, 8 concepts for design and procurement phase and 8 concepts for field operation phases which as follows:- C1-C7 (Project constructability enhancement during conceptual planning phase) Concept C1 the project constructability program should be discussed and documented within the project execution plan, through the participation of all project team members. Concept C2 a project team that includes representatives of the owner, engineer and contractor should be formulated and maintained to take the constructability issue into consideration from the outset of the project and through all of its phases. Concept C3 individuals with current construction knowledge and experience should achieve the early project planning so that interference between design and construction can be avoided. Concept C4 the construction methods should be taken into consideration when choosing the type and the number of contracts required for executing the project. Concept C5 the master project schedule and the construction completion date should be construction-sensitive and should be assigned as early as possible. Concept C6 in order to accomplish the field operations easily and efficiently, major construction methods should be discussed and analyses in-depth as early as possible to direct the design according to these methods. Concept C7 site layout should be studies carefully so that construction, operation and maintenance proceed efficiently and avoid any interference between the operations performed during these phases. C8-C15 (Project constructability enhancement during design and procurement phases) Concept C8 design and procurement schedules should be dictated by construction sequence. Thus, the construction schedule must be discussed and developed prior to the design development and procurement schedule. Concept C9 advanced information technologies are important to any field including field of construction industry. The usage of those technologies could overcome the problem of fragmentation into specialized roles in this field, hence enhancing constructability. Concept C10 designs, with design simplification by designers and design review by qualified construction personnel must be configured to enable efficient construction. Concept C11 project elements should be standardized to an extent that will never affect the project cost negatively. Concept C12 the project technical specifications should be simplified and configured to achieve efficient construction without sacrificing the level or the efficiency of the project performance. Concept C13 the implementation of modularization and preassembly for project elements should be taken into consideration and studied carefully. Modularization and preassembly design should be prepared to facilitate fabrication, transportation and installation. Concept C14 project design should take into consideration the construction personnel, materials and equipment accessibility to the required position on-site. Concept C15 design should facilitate construction during adverse weather conditions. Great emphasis should be made to planning for the construction of the project under suitable weather conditions, but the designer must plan and take into consideration the project elements that could be prefabricated in workshops. C16-C23 (Project constructability enhancement during field operation phases) Concept C16 field task sequencing should be configured in order to minimize damages or rework of some project elements, minimize scaffolding needs, formwork used or congestion of construction personnel, material and equipment. Concept C17 innovation in temporary construction materials/systems, or implementing innovative ways of using available temporary construction materials/systems that have not been defined or limited by the design drawings and technical specifications will contribute positively to the enhancement of constructability. Concept C18 incorporating innovation of new methods in using off-the-shelf hand tools or modification of the available tools or introduction of a new hand tools that may reduce labour intensity, increase mobility, safety or accessibility will enhance constructability at the construction phase. Concept C19 introduction of innovative methods for using the available equipment or modification of the available equipment to increase their productivity will lead to a better constructability. Concept C20 in order to increase the productivity, reduce the need of scaffolding or improve the project constructability under adverse weather conditions, constructors should be encouraged to use any optional preassembly. Concept C21 constructability will be enhanced by encouraging the constructor to carry out innovation of temporary facilities. Concept C22 good contractors, based on quality and time, should be documented, so that contracts for future construction works would not be awarded based on low bits only, but by considering other project attributes. Concept C23 evaluation, documentation and feedback of the issues of the constructability concepts should be maintained throughout the project to be used in later projects as lessons learned. (Source: Nima el al, (Nawi,, 2009)) Although there are many researchers from different countries have identified and presented their own principles and concepts, but the points they covered are almost the same. Through those principles and concepts, it showing the ways to help the construction to reduce its project time, error, cost by having a good buildability on manage overall project. ASSESSMENT OF DESIGNS FOR BUILDABILITY According to CIRC and Chiang, has stated that the construction industries are continues to search out the ways to improve buildability, such as the use of prefabricated, standardized and modular components, as well as the adoption of alternative procurement methods (cited by Wong, Lam, Chan P.C. and Chan H.W., 2006), the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) in Singapore had introduced and published a Code of Practice on Buildabl